Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Beautiful Morning

I was sitting in my car waiting for my sister at the grocery store this morning and found this great shot of a palm tree. I think it came out nice so decided to share it here with you.
It has been a busy time for me, we're moving things in the house to get ready for holiday decorating. Ugh! Didn't realize just how much stuff needed to be put away, gotten rid of and changed about. You know, things that you've been putting off knowing it was going to get you when it came holiday time.
We are still in the high 80's here. Still need the a/c in the car and home. Humidity never takes much of a vacation here. We're supposed to have a cold front come through where the temps are "supposed" to be in the low 70's for a couple of days. We shall see because the weather people constantly change the forecast. But we're through the dog days of summer and for that I'm grateful.
Anyhow, enjoy the photo of the palm tree.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Enjoyed the day!

I went out taking pictures this morning and found a beautiful scene at the lakefront in St. Cloud, FL. The sky was a beautiful blue about 8:30 a.m. and it was not terribly busy. I saw this boater just heading out for a time on the water. I hope you enjoy the shot.
It was a busy weekend for me. My hubby was home but had to leave Saturday evening. That always makes it hard for me. Then I was able to work Sunday on a software problem I had been having. My sister stepped in and together we solved it. I'm quite happy about that!
Then today I went out to shoot some photographs, came home had breakfast and went into the office to work for a time. Then went to Joann's and got the rest of the yarn I need for an afghan I'm making for my hubby for Christmas. The best part of it was I had coupons for 50% off each skein of yarn. So it only cost me half price for it.
I'm now on the computer contemplating heading to bed as it's after midnight. Wanted to stop by here and post. I'll be back again soon.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mr. Starbucks!

My "nephew" Jarrett M. Love. I think he's such a cool, nice young man. I met Jarrett at Starbucks on John Young Pkwy one day and a nice, sweet friendship has come about. He's a very creative musician and he also writes short stories. He has gotten a band together and they finally open sometime in September. He's a sweetheart and I really like him.
He gave me one of his songs, "Victoria's Song" from his album to use for my book trailer for my book, Kaleidoscope Memories: Childhood Stories That Celebrate Family Life.
I finally had my camera with me and got a picture of him outside the store. He's a really good guy!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Beauty All Around Us

Sometimes we get so involved in our everyday lives that we fail to see the beauty all around us. We've lived in this home for about seven years or so and this tree has been here all along. I didn't bother to look at it because it was only a problem to me because it had flowers on it. Now I love flowering trees and bushes and flowers of all kinds, but my daughter is allergic to bees sting so anything that was flowering in my yards had to be gotten rid of. This little tree has been cut back several times to prevent it from flowering. However, this year we forgot to do so and look at the beautiful flowers that have bloomed on it. I have no idea what they are called but they are beautiful. I'm glad they are blooming and so very pretty. To make it better the color is a deep pink and pink is my favorite color.
As much as I live in a place that holds much beauty it amazes me how we often overlook the simple places about where we live. Take some time an go look at all the little things. Take your camera and just shoot photographs and when you upload them to your computer be amazed at what beauty you've been missing daily. It's not the big things but the small, almost forgotten things that will amaze you. Enjoy the day.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Early Morning At The Lakefront

I wanted to post this picture because I think it's very pretty. I went out this morning to the lakefront in St. Cloud and captured this shot of the morning sun behind the palm tree. The park was relatively empty but so beautiful.
My morning started out very early as I woke up about 5:00 a.m. for no reason. So I went online for about an hour then woke up my sister and asked her if she'd like to go take some early morning photos. She said yes, so we left.
Then later in the day took my hubby to the truck as he's got a load for Virginia Beach, VA. I'm now sitting online trying to catch up with some posting I've needed to do for a few days now. It's raining outside and I quickly took a couple of photos before it got bad or could get on the camera. Not sure how the evening will go, but I've got enough work to keep me busy.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Normal Sunny Day in Florida!

Don't I look like a glam girl? Me in my sunglasses in the car at the bank. Just thought I'd post it here.
Well my 4th of July was rather quiet here at home. Didn't do anything much just things about the house and online.
I've been busy all week and yet it seems like I've still got lots to do. the house needs special work done on it. Need to get rid of lots of stuff I don't use.
Hubby still not home and I'm not sure when he will be. I miss him. It never changes for me.
I didn't get a lot of sleep last night so I'm a bit tired. Making it short today.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Big Smile with Thomas the Train!

It's been a couple of busy days for me. The last part of the previous week was spent with my hubby since he was home for 4 days. I was happy for that time. Then over the weekend Jen and I took the afghan she crocheted for my grandson to my son's home. They invited us to stay for supper and visit so we did. I think we left about 9:oo p.m. We had a great time but I was tired. Then Monday came and I was busy doing running and things in the home. Today my little guy called and wanted to come over again so my day was spent being with him for the afternoon. Tonight was consumed with the evening meal, chatting, watching TV and now I'm on the computer.
I'm trying desperately to do work for my company but haven't had much time for that. Must do tomorrow! The day was pretty, sunny and bright. The humidity was a bit lower as were the temperatures so it was better over all regarding the heat. I'll stop by again.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

It's Late or Early - Depending!

Just stopping by before I shut down the computer for the evening. It's about 2:17 a.m. so I guess it's either evening or morning. I like the picture posted. It's of the bushes in front of my house. I thought it came out nice.
Was a busy day today. I had lots of errands to do and then went out later in the afternoon with my daughter. Spent the rest of the day/evening at home. My sister and I were going to head out for a short time but it decided to rain cats and dogs so that was the end of it.
We had a good evening, watching TV, doing supper and crocheting. I also spent time on the computer looking up prices for doing typesetting for people.
Hubby won't be home for Father's Day as he's on his way to Gulfport, Miss for Monday. So hope to see him sometime this coming week.
All in all it's been a good day. Hoping tomorrow - Sunday - will be nice as well. Had my grandson over Thursday and we had a great time. He's always fun to be with. I remember when my children were 4 years old. It's such a great time because they're learning so much and becoming their own person for the most part. He reminds me of his daddy so much. It's great being a "giga". I'll stop by again.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Another Beautiful Day!

It's absolutely pretty outside - if you're sitting inside looking out the window! The temps are in the low 90's but the humidity puts it at about 94 or so. The wind is blowing but it's still hot. Now, I know I shouldn't complain because we live in sunny, hot Florida. Yet, the temps and humidity do get to you if you live here long enough.
I thought this picture of the palm tree was nice. I took it the other day because I thought the new seeds coming to sprout would make a nice contrast against the green of the fronds. I think it turned out very nice.
Been a busy time for me. I've got one author waiting for me to typeset her book to get it published. I'm reading another authors book from her revisions, and received another submission this week. So I'm quite busy right now. I'm enjoying it however I'm trying to get a video card for my computer so I can put the software I need onto the computer and get her book typeset. Not much time for play yet it seems like I can't get anything done. Hopefully I'll get it done so these authors can get their books into the open market. Wish me luck.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Pretty Flower and Day

I found this flower at the St. Cloud Lakefront Park today. My sister and I had gone to Staples and decided to drive by the lakefront on the way home. I saw this pretty flower, stopped and took a picture of it. I think it's pretty. To my delight I found it was a Bird of Paradise sitting there being so beautiful.
Today has been a nice, quiet, peaceful day and I think I had found my happy spot, which I haven't seen or felt in a long time.
I decided to stop by and post this picture. I did some work online like posting at one of my other blogs. You're just for me - my personal, happy place to put my thoughts from the day. See you another time. Probably tomorrow. Going to go turn on the TV and see what's on. Everyone is in their respective rooms so it's quiet in the house now.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Day of Rest - Sunday

I thought I'd post this picture of me because I like it and it is seldom I get a picture of myself that I like. It was taken quite a few years ago but I think it's one of the few I like of myself.
I'm sitting here typing this thinking I could use a short nap. It's pretty quiet in the house just now so I would apprecite one, however, if I do that then I will have a tougher time tonight falling asleep. So it's onward and continuing to work at my computer or books that need attended to . Who knows.
I' guess I'll have to stop by later as I don't have much to say right now.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Twin!

This is a picture of my twin sister. I think she looks beautiful here. She's very photogenic, I'm not. She's the older twin by 12 minutes. She's my protector/hero! I thought it might look great here and it does.
I just scrolled back over the pictures I've posted here and am happy with all of them. It's fun to just come here to my happy spot and post my thoughts. No one will see them but I enjoy being here.
Today is another hot day in May. Oddly we've been getting very hot, almost like July weather. Not anxious about the summer temps if this is where we are now. I need all the sunshine here but could do with quite a bit lower temps. I just loved the winter this year with all the cold/cool days. Hated to see them go away. It was so nice and refreshing and felt so very nice. But I do live in Central Florida so I can expect hot temps.
Well I should close and get busy with working on some manuscripts for my authors. I also want to work on some of my books as it's been quite awhile since I did anything at all on them. The only other thing I need to do is work in the office straightening it out so I can get more space in here and set up files and storage places and such. Possibly bring out a bookshelf. Who knows, hopefully I'll get some of it done. Bye now.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day!

Well, Mother's Day was Sunday. I still miss my mommy. She was a beautiful person, inside and out. She's been gone for ten years and it seems like forever. I miss being able to pick up the phone and call her. Miss hearing her voice and when I was in Illinois being able to have her hug and kiss me while I did the same to her. I'm hoping that she'd be very proud of all of us left. A lot of feelings happen when I think of her. I'm so happy she knew and loved my family. The only little person she didn't meet was Dustin. She would have loved him tremendously.
My Mother's Day 2010 was nice. My daughter is always so sweet and good to me. Plans the day around me and what I'd like to do, eat and spend time together. She's a sweet person, just like my mother was. My son called and we chatted. He was busy with his family spending Mother's Day with his wife and son. So that was nice also to hear from him. Lonnie left in the morning on a run to North Carolina. The day turned out nice even though there was some mix ups in the morning. Glad it all turned out nice and happy that I had the special lady as my mother, Edith VanDusen Stees. I love you mom.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Love Of My Life - My Grandson

I think this is a beautiful, cute, fun picture of grandson. One day last week or so we went to the lake front in St. Cloud with his mommy. He played on the playground with some other little kids then both of them went to the lake and played for a time. Then after he got wet we decided to walk out to the pavillion point. My little grandson was under the pavillion when I took the picture. I have several others and they are just as cute of him. We all had a great time and I'm anxious to take him back to the lakefront to play again. I don't know if his mommy will go with us again. But we'll see how it all works out. If I don't take him to the lakefront, I can take him to the little playground in our subdivision if need be.
I've been quite busy lately so haven't posted here in a few days. I'm working on some stories for the second Kaleidoscope Memories book as well as working with a couple of authors my publishing company is taking on. But I stop by here daily to keep it in my history addy. I'll stop by later.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Love the Moss!

This picture was taken Saturday morning as Jen and I drove about trying to find good shots to take. I just love to see moss hanging all over the trees, it's so very beautiful. Makes me know for sure that I'm in the south. It's pretty when the trees are not so full of leaves and stuff because you can see it all hanging there looking so forlorn moving in the breezes. Then when summer is here how the gray plays peek-a-boo in amongst the greenery. It's absolutely wonderful for me to look at. Gives me great pleasure.
I believe the picture was taken from the west side of the down town Osceola County Florida courthouse.Today has been a quiet, easy day. Sunday's typically are rather nice. Not sure if we're going to get much bad weather or not tonight. It's been all north of us and I hope it stays there. Well, guess I'd best get busy with my other blogs. I'll write more later.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Glad Yesterday's Over

The day can start out pretty good and then suddenly turn bad. Tha'ts how yesterday turned out for my sister. Suffice it to say it might be time for her to find another way to use her teaching degree.
I took this picture yesterday and thought it was beautiful. I like the play of light and shadow on the greenery. Then to top it off the new leaves were this beautiful redish brown color and the shot came out quite nice. I have other shots also of this bush that I'll probably post here also.
Anyhow, I'm hoping today is a great day and one without tension. We all need it. As we journey through life we can and do live through tense times but it's always better to be able to curb the tension with calm, quiet and easiness. I'm hoping today will be one of those calm days.
I'll stop by again. Need to get to work.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Another Busy Day!

I'm posting early because I'm going to try and do some crafts tonight instead of sitting on the computer. I took this picture a couple of days ago and thought it was pretty. I like catching the raindrops on the leaves but his one had new leaves starting and I liked it.
I tried to upload my software program and found I didn't have a video card so now have to find one and install that before the program. Ugh! But it didn't spoil my day at all. I'm enjoying working on my company - makes me happy to know that people trust me to publish their manuscripts. Not making any money but it's a good feeling to help others reach their dreams. Maybe someday I'll earn some money. I've got to help my BFF get her stuff uploaded to FB, she's not understanding how to do it all. Hopefully I'll be able to do what she wants. She's like a sister to me.
Well guess I should get busy so I can help with supper. I'll stop by again.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Busy Day -- I'm Tired!

This was taken this morning. We woke up to a foggy few hours. I like how the fog makes the neighborhood look all cloaked. It's pretty.
I was supposed to work this morning on installing my new software package but my Authors kept calling needing help or information so that took my time. Going to try again tomorrow to install it.
I'm pretty tired tonight. It's hard to sit here and do this entry correctly. Too long at the computer. It's been a nice, quiet day and everyone was polite to each other. So I guess I found my happy spot for the day. Yay for me! I'll stop by again -- needing to get to bed before I fall asleep here at the desk. Maybe tomorrow I can get some new shots to post here. I have a few from today that would be nice here also. Till then.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Peaceful Sunday

This picture is one from my nephew, Michael. He painted it years ago in college, I think. He gave this one to my sister, Jen.The day is over and it was a good one. We spent it being leisurely and peaceful. My sister and I went out again to shoot some photos early this morning. I believe we only got a few but I think they are good ones - nature. Had breakfast and did some work online then went with my daughter to look for a book. Didn't find what we wanted but my hubby called and we picked him up from work and came home. Spent the rest of the day going through photos, watching TV and enjoying each others company.
I started to make out a master daily schedule for me beginning tomorrow but already it's not going to work because I have to take hubby back to the truck so he can deliver his load. So I'll need to retool it and make it work for me. I'm definitely going to try and upload my software program that I so badly need to typeset one of my author's manuscripts. She's waiting for me, patiently. So much work to do on my part.
I'm also working to change up my diet and exercise to loose this weight. Right now it's not successful for me. Well I'll stop by again tomorrow.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mixed Up Day

Well Saturday proved to be a mixed up day. People just relaxed for most of the morning and then the afternoon seemed to lag on forever. I was busy in the house doing work so I was ready for a break.
My sister and I finished a craft project for my daughter and then went for a short ride to the Post Office to check my business box. My son called and we picked up my grandson to watch for a couple of hours. He was fun. My son came after a couple of hours and we had a nice visit. They've left now and it's quiet and peaceful here.
My hubby will be home sometime tomorrow. Yay! I do hope tomorrow is a pleasant day for all of us. I need to work on developing a scrapbook so that means going through my pictures which usually takes a long time because I have to constantly sort and put them on the table then take them down when I'm done so the table can be used properly. It's a time consuming job because you have to also design the page and that's not an easy task. I'm sitting here right now thinking maybe I should just categorize the photos first then begin putting ideas together so I can get the books started at least. I'm tired of buying the supplies and then never using them.
Guess I'd best sign off - I'm tired.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Pretty Palms

I love palm trees. Just looking at them makes me happier. The way the light reflects off their fronds and how they move in the wind so gently swaying. They appear to be fragile but are some of the strongest that can survive hurricanes. Enjoy the photo.
Had Dustin last evening and throroughly enjoyed his visit. He's such a good little boy. I love him so very much.
I'm hoping today will be relaxing enough and quiet enough that I can upload the new software program. I've got to be aware of everything it does so I load it correctly, therefore, I need quiet when it's being done. I also need to get the grocery list done as there's not any food here to eat. Been a long week. The sun is shining and it's nice outside so I'll enjoy being out of the house for awhile. Wanting to work on my books also this weekend. Time for me to get to the business of writing also. Can't just do TD business all the time because there is no money coming in. I'll chat again later.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Neighborhood Seagulls!

These little guys hang out at the local lake in our subdivision. I absolutely love the seagulls. Beautiful, wonderful little animals. I can't get enough pictures of them.
Well this finds me tired but wanting to post here tonight. I'm heading to bed but wanted to say that the day was really pretty good overall. It started a bit stressful but ended nicely with a quiet, easy evening.
Hubby might be home tomorrow, not sure yet. We'll see what comes. He's supposed to go to a Dr's appointment.
I was supposed to take the day and upload my new Adobe CS4 program onto the computer but that didn't happen today and now I'm not sure if it will tomorrow. Sooo in the mean time just enjoy the photo and think happy, good thoughts. I'll stop tomorrow.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Book Cover

I wanted to post this here because it's another 'happy spot' for me. I enjoyed writing the book, overall, with my sisters. By doing this I can say we were all published authors at the same time.
Writing the stories of our childhood is proving to be fun and a lot of work. It is fun to be able to share our times with others who might share some of the same memories throughout their lives.
I think it's interesting that we found all ages like the stories and they help them remember their own stories after reading them. That is part of what we wanted to accomplish with the book and I see we've done that.
We are beginning work on the second book and hope to have it ready by late this year or early next.
Today has been good but a bit topsy turvy to say the least. We got a late start and then the time slipped by and we missed lunch and it became a problem, so finally at 3:oo p.m. we began getting lunch. It's now 4:47 p.m. and we've just finished. So I'm not sure what supper is going to be about. Interesting or problematic - I don't know yet which it will be.
My show, "The Amazing Race" will be on tonight so I want to have things done so I can watch it. I like it a lot. One of the reason's I stopped by this early. I may not get the chance later.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ready For A Book.

I like the picture in this post. I took it the other morning when there was light fog in the area. I was glad to see I positioned the camera to catch the shot with the sun illuminating it and the fog.
It's been a busy day and I'm ready to settle down with a book or something. Hubby left on work today and my daughter is out for the evening so it's just been my twin sister and me at home tonight. Had a good meal, watched some TV and worked on the computer.
The day was nice and sunny with the wind blowing. The temps were in the high 70's or low 80's, I'm not sure.
Just wanted to stop by and post as it's been a good day and I like coming here. This is a good site for me. I'll stop by again.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Baby Girl.

See, how very pretty she is. I'm here at my happy spot trying to find peace. My daughter is so very unhappy tonight. Something that was supposed to happen may not be able to right now and she needs it to happen. My heart aches when she's sad.
I always try to remain hopeful and positive but sometimes it's quite hard to do so.
See, she is another of my happy spots in my life. We've transcended to best friends most of the time. We're both aware we're mother/daughter but it's nice to be one of her best friends also. I like being with her and sharing her confidences. I just want her life to turn out good, happy and joyful for her.
My happy spot little girl!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

My Pretty Palm Tree

My palm tree blowing in the wind this winter. It's in front of some cloud passing by. I love this one.
had a great Easter yesterday. It was fun with the kids being here. Dustin was, of course, the star of the day. We had such fun playing Pirate with him fighting with the foam swords and hook. He has such a great imagination.
Today has been pretty good. Took my time working on the computer, went to the grocery store with Heather, took Jen for a ride, chatted with Lonnie on the phone (he's on his way home) and now back at the computer for awhile. I also chatted with Lynn about things today. She's finally (I hope) done with editing Blonde Chills. I hope it's clean as a whistle so she'll not have to go back again. Had some fun working with Jen on genealogy for our families. Trying to get through my sites for the night then sit and try to finish the book I'm reading.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter 2010

We celebrated Easter this year privately. Each prayed or did their own way of observing the religious aspect of the holiday. Otherwise, my family came together to visit and spend time together over the holiday meal. My hubby, Lonnie, couldn't be here as he was sent on a load to Pennsylvania. My son, DIL and grandson came over to share the day with my daughter, sister and me. It was a good day. Dustin was a charmer and all around good boy today. We taught him a new game, Candyland, and he did quite well - he even won on of them. We shared our meal, laughed, chatted and spent several hours together. It was so nice and enjoyable. Then after they left, my sister, daughter and I went for a short ride then came home for the rest of the day. It's been a quiet evening and I'm almost ready to call it a day. Think I'll try to finish my book. It's the second book in the Jan Karan series about a fictional town named, Mitford, featuring Father Tim and the townspeople.
I'll stop by again.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Quiet Day Today.

This is a picture of the trunk of the palm tree in my front yard. I thought it was interesting. It has lots of color variations and shapes. I hope you enjoy it.
Today has been fairly quiet for me. I've been home most of the day alone. Was able to get some things done but mostly enjoyed the quiet.
Hoping to feel better after going to the doctor yesterday. Have some meds to take. I guess it could be sinus/allergies/cold or something. They are just not sure.
I've been watching and listening to some tutorials for my new Adobe CS4 software package I got yesterday. Now I hope I know how to operate it. Such a big program. Guess I'll be getting some books for it to help me out.
Pretty day outside, the sun is shining, temps are probably in the high 70's or low 80's. I've got to run out to get supper stuff but I'll stop by again if I can today.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Guy!

I took this picture the other day before my hubby left for work. It had been a long time since I had a picture of him in a western hat. I think he looks nice in it. Of course I think he's terribly handsome.
It's been an interesting day so far. Needed to get insurance on the car so Jen stayed home and Son took her to get it activated. Daughter and I went to the store and just got home and now it's time to fix supper. I've got to take the Adobe program I just put on a few weeks ago off the computer because it's not working properly. So I'll be busy tonight working and hoping I get all the files that need to come off taken care of. Hopefully it will turn out okay. I've got the new program ordered and on it's way. Then all I have to do is get the "Dummy" book for the program so I'll know how to work it so I can get the new authors manuscripts typeset. Enjoy and I'll stop by again. Oh yes, he's also my very best happy spot!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Grandson!

This little guy is one of my major happy spots! He's so adorable. He called me yesterday and asked to come to my house. He said, "You miss me and worry about me, Giga." So, of course, we went and picked him up. He was with us for about 3 or 4 hours. Had a great time with him. He played with is Thomas trains and swords with his Auntie (my daughter). We read to him, gave him candy, played a new game (HiHo Cherry O) and he really enjoyed himself. His mommy came and we played another round of the game - he won!
We'll have him Thursday to make cookies, cupcakes, and covered pretzels for Easter. It's always fun with him. I'll stop by later but I wanted to post this here. Last night was fun with our precious grandson.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Finally Time To Stop By!

I finally have some time to myself and can sit here finding my happy place. I took this picture of the palm trees at our subdivision playground. I like how they look against the sky with the light clouds behind them. Palm trees and a sunny day makes me happy!
It was a busy weekend with Lonnie getting home on Thursday then leaving early Friday morning to deliver the load. Then he came home about 5 pm that night. Again he had to leave on Saturday evening to pick up the next load at 10 pm so he just stayed there overnight and left for the week. After three weeks gone - that's all the time we had together. That did not make me happy at all. Then there were other family problems that cam up and were a pain. But I'm trying to relax here and let it all go. This is the place I come to when I need to be happy, that's why the pictures are as they are here -- they make me happy.
I'll stop by again tomorrow night, but for now I'll say good night.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Beautiful Greenery!

I took this picture of part of our shrubbery in the yard. It came out very nice. I love the color variation on the leaves. Great play of light since it was in the early morning.
Didn't get to stop by last night. Hubby came home so the evening was busy. My goodness, it rained quite hard for some time last night. I didn't even know it was supposed to rain.
Going to try and get the Adobe program working, then try working on my books - you know - writing - me!
See, I've got a lot of things to accomplish and need to get busy doing them. Also need to empty the table for my office so I can lend it to Melissa for her garage sale. Guess I'd better sign off and do my thing. See you later.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Starting Out The Day!

I didn't get to post last night so here I am this morning. The picture was taken last night at St. Cloud Lakefront Park. I think it's quite interesting and pretty. I thought it came out pretty good.
Took several of the waterfalls there also. They're not as good - still learning the camera for night shots I guess.
Yesterday was good, not any real problems. I worked online for a time and then went out with my daughter.
It's always great to stop by here and relax by writing anything I want to. Great to be without criticism sometimes. I do need to be busy cleaning the house today so I guess I'd best not hang about online too long.. Bye for now.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Enjoyable Late Chat!

This is one of my happy places - my son!

I'm glad I came back online tonight before heading to bed. Normally my son is in bed asleep by now. However he was up when I looked on Facebook. He came online and we had a good chat. Was very nice. You know when people chat late at night it usually is from the heart. I never knew he felt so strongly about my dad. He totally loved him. It breaks my heart that he misses him so much. I wish he was that close with his own dad. They're close but I'm not sure how much they confide in each other or chat about life and such. It's difficult because Lon has been a trucker most of son's life.
Anyhow, he was having a good evening with his family and that makes my heart happy.
It was a good day today. I totally didn't get any work done but will try again tomorrow. Needing to download another part of the CS3 program to make my Adobe files open. Hoping it works because I need to work in those files.
It was pretty out today. Cloudy and windy for most of the day but the sun came through intermittenly and that was good. In the late afternoon it pretty much cleared off and I was happy about that. Not sure if it's clear outside now but that's okay since it's almost 2 a.m. Well need to post at another blog before I turn in. I'll stop by again.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The First Day of Spring!

Today is the first official day of spring. My favorite day of the year! Daylight Savings Time has returned and it's spring - I'm happy!!
Today was a good day even though it rained a lot and was mostly gray. I worked online for a time, then went with Heather to Joanns to walk about, stopped at the grocery store and came home. Had a good supper and watched The amazing Race on TV.
I so enjoy stopping by here when I can because it's my happy place and I write whatever I want to here. I love posting pictures of special things here. I love posting pictures I've taken of the beach, palm trees and special people and such. I'm about ready to call it a day but wanted to post here first. The palm tree is the one in our yard. I like the sky color and clouds behind it. This was taken before it got rainy outside. Enjoyed it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

'Tis a grand day for the Irish', the saying goes. Just wanted to wish a Happy St. Patrick's Day. Had a great time with Dustin yesterday baking cupcakes and cookies. He's such a treat to be with. He helped make his own mini cupcakes and cut out the cookies also. He was so proud to take some of them home to share with his mommy and daddy.
It's a gray, cold, windy day here in "sunny Florida" but it should clear out tonight I think, so I guess I can handle it. Just would have been nicer to get some pretty pictures on St. Patrick's Day. However, we're going to have fish and chips tonight, some other delights that we used from our first tea and some treats. So it will be a nice evening.
My Lonnie Jr. got out of the hospital yesterday and everything seems fine. I want him to continue by getting a Dr and have them read all the tests and give him some recommendations. He needs to take better care of himself.
So this will have to be my entry for today. Unless I get ambitious or have time later tonight.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Beautiful, Windy, Sunny Day

The skies are blue and the sun is out and shining this morning. It's a beautiful day. I've not been here for a couple of days. Life has been busy for me. My company will be acquiring another author for publication. I'm happy that I can help others realize their dreams. Not making any money yet from it all but hope to eventually.
It was stressful yesterday, my Lonnie Jr went to the hospital with chest pains. Scared me! He's still there as they are going to run tests today. I'm praying he'll be fine. He's in a super stressful job and that can bring on health problems. With that said, today I'll have Dustin today and he'll help my daughter and I make cupcakes and cookies for St. Patricks Day tomorrow. He's such a charmer and it's so cute to watch him help.
Jen had a hard day yesterday from her principal again. God I hope she finds work elsewhere before this woman ruins her career. She also has a cold or something that is in the house. I feel a bit nauseaus this morning so I'm not a happy camper thinking I'm getting what she has. I can't take nausea.
Trying to get the program I need to typeset my books for my authors working. Does not seem to respond to me. Going to have to get some help for it. Lynn's son made a template but it only allows me to set up books like her format. Not what I need. Furthermore I can't open any PDF's since uploading the program. So problems on that front.
So you see, I really need this happy spot in my life. It's calming to be able to come here and write whatever I want and upload pretty pictures and relax. So glad I put you here. I'll be back later.

Friday, March 12, 2010

My Lynn!

This lovely lady is another of my happy spots. She's my best friend. I love her dearly and share things with her I don't with anyone else. She and hubby moved to Kentucky for job reasons and I really miss seeing her all the time. Phone helps greatly. I finally talked with her yesterday. She's home and fine. Recouperating from the flight here for Cills funeral and visiting her mom.
I finally got the program my company is using for typesetting manuscripts uploaded onto my computer last night. It was almost complete when we lost power for a second, twice. My heart about sank. It took my some time to get the computer up and running again. The silly thing did a checksysdisk and I thought it was gone. But finally it came up and I proceeded to finish the program upload and all is good. Now I've got to call Lynn today and have here email me the template that was created for us. Then I can finally upload a new manuscript from our newest author and get to work on it.
So far today I'm relaxed and busy. We're going to clean carpets this weekend so I've got lots to do to get my stuff out of the living room/dining room so we can do that.
Glad I stopped by, I miss coming here and chilling out at my happy spot. It's my place for me!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Enjoying The Quiet of the Evening

It's been a long, busy day but one that was pleasant. The evening was somewhat stressful and now that everyone else is in their rooms, the peace is nice.
I worked online trying to find pictures for my cousins of the ancestors in our family. I was able to find, edit and post about nine of them. Then to my amazement I found a box full of old black & white photos. I'm taking them tomorrow to the Walgreens and putting them onto a disc. I've got a lot of them I want to do this with.
I'm wondering why I haven't heard from Lynn today. She went home Sunday and I've not heard from her. I'll try to call her tomorrow and see that she made it home and is okay. Trips usually take their toll on her. So I am concerned.
The picture above is of one of the many Seagulls that frequent our lakes in the subdivision where I live. I think they are lovely birds. I enjoy taking pictures of them. They are very different from Sandpipers. Sandpipers are so small and quick while the Seagulls are bigger and slower. But I love them both.
Hoping to get more accomplished tomorrow than today. I need to start putting the boxes back into some form before hubby gets home. I'm almost finished with an afghan I've been working on for some time. It's pretty. I'll take a picture of it before I send it to my cousin, Paula. I hope she likes it.
Guess I'll write again tomorrow night.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ready To Relax

This is a drawing of my children when they were about 12 and 6 years of age on a vacation to Florida. Thought I'd post it here because they are my happy spots also at the close of the day.
I've worked about today trying to find a couple of bank statements but to no avail. So I guess I'll keep trying tomorrow.
I read quite a bit on the manuscript from a new author. Not sure yet if I'll publish it. It's a different type of story. I like it but am not sure how the market will receive it. We'll see how it goes, I'm a little over half way through.
During all my searching I was happy when I found an envelope full of pictures of my twin sister and I throughout the years. Don't remember where I got them from but they are so cute. I'm going to make copies of them for her and put them on disc so I can put them online.
Maybe I over did the searching because I had to move lots of boxes and now my back is beginning to get somewhat stiff. Guess I'll take some medication and rest with it. Should be fine tomorrow. It's good to do some cleaning and sorting out when you go searching through boxes and such.
I'm also trying to find some missing CD's of mine but have had no success so far. It's so cool that my daughter, sister, and I can share our music/movies that's on our computers and we've been working on that all evening also. So, ready to relax and go to bed shortly. Had a good day.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

All Is Quiet

Needing the quiet of the house to get ready to rest for the night. Been a busy day so it's time to possibly read a few minutes then get to sleep. Lots on the agenda for tomorrow and I want to get it all done. I'm so glad I have this site to post to where it lets me calm down, collect my thoughts and be peaceful for a time.
I'm starting a new blog tomorrow. I think it will be about my journey to get fit enough to run the IronGirl Marathan for 2011 since I'm not ready for this years in April. It's something I want to do as I'm trying to make positive changes in my life. I'm tired of just sitting about not doing anything happy and fun, so I thought I'd like to try for the marathan next year. Never thought it would interest me but I think I'd be happy with myself if I can do it. I think my daughter is going for it also. It might be fun.
I'm also going to work hard to get at least two of my books finished and published this year. I've got a couple new authors I'm working with also to be published through my company.
Well, guess I'd best sign off and get some sleep before the day begins. OH by the way, next Sunday starts DayLight Savings Time!! Yay! My favorite time of the year.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

He's My Happy Place!

Now this little one can make me find my happy place easily because he's it. My beautiful, little grandson! I could sure use a big hug from him tonight. Maybe I'll get to see him tomorrow sometime. I'm sure he wants to show his PopPop his new Trampoline. He has such fun on it. I don't think I've seen him all week. I don't even think I've talked to him on the phone. Hmm.. I'll have to take care of that tomorrow sometime.
Well, it's been a long day. I think I'll kick back, have some pizza for supper, either turn on the TV or read some more on a manuscript I have to decide if I want to publish it or not. But first Jen wants to go for a ride and on the way home we can stop for the pizza. Still busy - darn. Oh well, that's how this day is. I'll stop by again.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Cill Passed Today!

One of my very best friends in the world passed away today. Priscilla Pope Burns - Cill had been fighting lung cancer but underwent surgery for her sciatic nerve. Things went wrong and she didn't make it. I love her deeply and will miss her tremendously. A classy, smart, caring, loving lady. A writer, mother, daughter, friend. Rest easy now Cill. I love you and always will.
My heart is heavy and that's all I can say just now.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

At Day's End

It's peaceful and calm here. I'm trying to relax and get to sleep. Hubby came home this morning and then left late tonight. Guess that's all I'll see him this week as he's heading the Pennsylvania. It was a beautiful, sunny, warm, windy day.
I thought this picture is pretty. It's the palm tree in my yard. Whenever I look at palm trees I get relaxed. I think they are so beautiful. I love how the wind blows them back and forth and the sunlight reflects on each palm frond making it glisten. They are perfect trees in many ways. They are a part of my paradise picture. Well tomorrow is a busy one for me. Besides taking care of business I get to meet another Boomer Sister and I'm excited about it. I'm also happy the my group Alpha Fiction Writers is getting active again. I, along with Rene, have to spur this group along. We'll be posting character charts of people in one of our manuscripts. Should prove interesting. Well, guess I better get to bed -- it's late (or early depending on how you look at it). Bye

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Nice, Peaceful Evening

Have you ever just sat, listened to, and watched a water fountain? I love this picture and have many more of the different ones at St. Cloud Waterfront. It's fascinating to watch the water floating on the air making small rainbows. The sound of it falling to the water almost lulls you to sleep.
The evening was nice as my daughter, sister and I watched the Olympics. I'm sitting here now posting this and feeling peaceful. It's been an easy day even though it was gray, rainy and cold out. I've been working in my office trying to clean and straighten it out. I've gotten through a lot of books that I no longer want to keep. I rearranged my book shelf in the closet where I keep my writing/publishing/research books. It looks great now. Next is the paper project! That's going to be time consuming but I'll get through it. Hubby coming home tomorrow so it will be a good day also.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ending My Day

I took this shot early one morning after taking my sister to work. I thought it was lovely. The colors are beautiful and peaceful as is the stillness of the water. It is by the lake in our subdivision. The light fog on the water gives it an added dimension. It makes me relax.

It has been a busy day for me. I did a lot of work in the kitchen and then worked online doing stuff for my company, Tide Dancer Publications. The tried to finish re-arranging my office. Didn't get done but had a pleasant evening with my sister and daughter. We watched the Olympics and chatted together. They've gone to bed so I took a few moments to come here an post about my day. My hubby is in Pennsylvania where it's snowing horizontal and there's another big snowstorm coming at him. I'm glad he's parked at a truckstop that has facilities. It always bothers me when the weather is bad wherever he is.
Well we get to see my little Dustin tomorrow. He's got a big Trampoline for his 4th birthday and wants to show it to us. That will be great. I'll take some pictures of him on it. Well, its after one o' clock in the A.M. and I'm needing to get some sleep. I'll stop by again. Good night.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Quiet Time Before Bed

Wanted to jot down a few thoughts of the day before I turn in for the night. The day started out somewhat rough but turned into a good day. Went to my son's for my grandson's 4th birthday party. It was fun and he's so precious. Came home, had supper and spent the evening watching the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, Canada. Then I worked online for a couple of hours and now I'm ready to call it a day. Everyone is in their rooms and the house is quiet. I've got my cup of hot tea beside me and I'm finally relaxing from the days events so I can sleep tonight. I'll stop by tomorrow night. I enjoy my happy place and writing about each day. I like the picture - it's of Indialantic Beach in Melbourne, Florida. The Atlantic is so beautiful in all of it's colors and moods. It calms me.

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Nice Valentine's Day

Today feels like a long one. I have been busy. I actually did laundry for most of the day - taking my time- and then sorted papers and files. I moved things that had taken residence on the dining room table. As of right now, I still need to move the files into my office, however, I have no place for them just yet - still cleaning there also. Had a great Valentines Day yesterday, got to see my little grandson and had fun with him. I took a couple of pictures of him and a short video. My daughter and sister are each in their rooms and I'm in the office so the house is pretty quiet. I'm hoping it will stay that way for the rest of the evening. Needing my happy place and I enjoy stopping by here and posting my thoughts. Finally got the phone bill lowered in price. That's a good thing. Now I just have to work on the cable bill. I'm in the process of bringing another author to Tide Dancer Publications. So I'm needing to upload a program so I can typeset her book. I hope it will go well.
Enjoy the picture I think it's beautiful, but I didn't take it. Got it from a great site. Bye for now.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Quiet Time!

This is a picture my nephew painted years ago. I received it from him and have cherished it since. It is so peaceful and tranquil that when I've had an exceptionally hard day I look it over and sometimes feel much better.

The house is quiet and I have it all to myself right now. It's early morning and no one is going to bother me. This is the best time of night. I had a tough day today and need some down time from everyone. I'm finding my happy, quiet, relaxing place here at The Oasis. I come here a look over the pictures and can feel myself relaxing and regenerating in my soul.

There is a Jimmy Buffett song that says in part, "Breathe in, breathe out, move on." That's how I feel sometime. I'm glad I started this blog for myself. It's a place I can come and write whatever I want to and no one will be the wiser for it.

I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day. Dustin is coming over to spend some time with Heather and me to do some Valentines Day cooking. He had fun doing some Christmas cookies and cupcakes with us so we thought we'd do the same thing for Valentine's Day. He's adorable. Lots to do tomorrow so I'd best close. I'll post again later tonight. Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Night Time Palm Trees

I thought you might like this picture. It was taken at the St. Cloud Lakefront Park. The palm trees are beautiful when lit up at night. It's by the boat docks.

Today was a good day at work even though I am having trouble opening a file I desperately need. Hopefully tomorrow I can get it fixed.

We had supper with my son and his wife and their son. It was a good, relaxing, fun evening. He served a new dish he created. A vegan chili that was wonderful. Corn bread with cheese and jalapeno's mixed in was also served. It was a nice change from cooking at home. We seldom get to have evenings with them. My little grandson was very good tonight. He's such a sweet boy.

I sitting here in my relaxed mood enjoying posting at the site. I hope your day and evening was good and you enjoyed it. Till next time.