Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Twin!

This is a picture of my twin sister. I think she looks beautiful here. She's very photogenic, I'm not. She's the older twin by 12 minutes. She's my protector/hero! I thought it might look great here and it does.
I just scrolled back over the pictures I've posted here and am happy with all of them. It's fun to just come here to my happy spot and post my thoughts. No one will see them but I enjoy being here.
Today is another hot day in May. Oddly we've been getting very hot, almost like July weather. Not anxious about the summer temps if this is where we are now. I need all the sunshine here but could do with quite a bit lower temps. I just loved the winter this year with all the cold/cool days. Hated to see them go away. It was so nice and refreshing and felt so very nice. But I do live in Central Florida so I can expect hot temps.
Well I should close and get busy with working on some manuscripts for my authors. I also want to work on some of my books as it's been quite awhile since I did anything at all on them. The only other thing I need to do is work in the office straightening it out so I can get more space in here and set up files and storage places and such. Possibly bring out a bookshelf. Who knows, hopefully I'll get some of it done. Bye now.