Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mixed Up Day

Well Saturday proved to be a mixed up day. People just relaxed for most of the morning and then the afternoon seemed to lag on forever. I was busy in the house doing work so I was ready for a break.
My sister and I finished a craft project for my daughter and then went for a short ride to the Post Office to check my business box. My son called and we picked up my grandson to watch for a couple of hours. He was fun. My son came after a couple of hours and we had a nice visit. They've left now and it's quiet and peaceful here.
My hubby will be home sometime tomorrow. Yay! I do hope tomorrow is a pleasant day for all of us. I need to work on developing a scrapbook so that means going through my pictures which usually takes a long time because I have to constantly sort and put them on the table then take them down when I'm done so the table can be used properly. It's a time consuming job because you have to also design the page and that's not an easy task. I'm sitting here right now thinking maybe I should just categorize the photos first then begin putting ideas together so I can get the books started at least. I'm tired of buying the supplies and then never using them.
Guess I'd best sign off - I'm tired.