Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Love Of My Life - My Grandson

I think this is a beautiful, cute, fun picture of grandson. One day last week or so we went to the lake front in St. Cloud with his mommy. He played on the playground with some other little kids then both of them went to the lake and played for a time. Then after he got wet we decided to walk out to the pavillion point. My little grandson was under the pavillion when I took the picture. I have several others and they are just as cute of him. We all had a great time and I'm anxious to take him back to the lakefront to play again. I don't know if his mommy will go with us again. But we'll see how it all works out. If I don't take him to the lakefront, I can take him to the little playground in our subdivision if need be.
I've been quite busy lately so haven't posted here in a few days. I'm working on some stories for the second Kaleidoscope Memories book as well as working with a couple of authors my publishing company is taking on. But I stop by here daily to keep it in my history addy. I'll stop by later.