Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Beautiful, Windy, Sunny Day

The skies are blue and the sun is out and shining this morning. It's a beautiful day. I've not been here for a couple of days. Life has been busy for me. My company will be acquiring another author for publication. I'm happy that I can help others realize their dreams. Not making any money yet from it all but hope to eventually.
It was stressful yesterday, my Lonnie Jr went to the hospital with chest pains. Scared me! He's still there as they are going to run tests today. I'm praying he'll be fine. He's in a super stressful job and that can bring on health problems. With that said, today I'll have Dustin today and he'll help my daughter and I make cupcakes and cookies for St. Patricks Day tomorrow. He's such a charmer and it's so cute to watch him help.
Jen had a hard day yesterday from her principal again. God I hope she finds work elsewhere before this woman ruins her career. She also has a cold or something that is in the house. I feel a bit nauseaus this morning so I'm not a happy camper thinking I'm getting what she has. I can't take nausea.
Trying to get the program I need to typeset my books for my authors working. Does not seem to respond to me. Going to have to get some help for it. Lynn's son made a template but it only allows me to set up books like her format. Not what I need. Furthermore I can't open any PDF's since uploading the program. So problems on that front.
So you see, I really need this happy spot in my life. It's calming to be able to come here and write whatever I want and upload pretty pictures and relax. So glad I put you here. I'll be back later.