Sunday, April 18, 2010

Peaceful Sunday

This picture is one from my nephew, Michael. He painted it years ago in college, I think. He gave this one to my sister, Jen.The day is over and it was a good one. We spent it being leisurely and peaceful. My sister and I went out again to shoot some photos early this morning. I believe we only got a few but I think they are good ones - nature. Had breakfast and did some work online then went with my daughter to look for a book. Didn't find what we wanted but my hubby called and we picked him up from work and came home. Spent the rest of the day going through photos, watching TV and enjoying each others company.
I started to make out a master daily schedule for me beginning tomorrow but already it's not going to work because I have to take hubby back to the truck so he can deliver his load. So I'll need to retool it and make it work for me. I'm definitely going to try and upload my software program that I so badly need to typeset one of my author's manuscripts. She's waiting for me, patiently. So much work to do on my part.
I'm also working to change up my diet and exercise to loose this weight. Right now it's not successful for me. Well I'll stop by again tomorrow.