Friday, April 16, 2010

Pretty Palms

I love palm trees. Just looking at them makes me happier. The way the light reflects off their fronds and how they move in the wind so gently swaying. They appear to be fragile but are some of the strongest that can survive hurricanes. Enjoy the photo.
Had Dustin last evening and throroughly enjoyed his visit. He's such a good little boy. I love him so very much.
I'm hoping today will be relaxing enough and quiet enough that I can upload the new software program. I've got to be aware of everything it does so I load it correctly, therefore, I need quiet when it's being done. I also need to get the grocery list done as there's not any food here to eat. Been a long week. The sun is shining and it's nice outside so I'll enjoy being out of the house for awhile. Wanting to work on my books also this weekend. Time for me to get to the business of writing also. Can't just do TD business all the time because there is no money coming in. I'll chat again later.