Sunday, April 25, 2010

Love the Moss!

This picture was taken Saturday morning as Jen and I drove about trying to find good shots to take. I just love to see moss hanging all over the trees, it's so very beautiful. Makes me know for sure that I'm in the south. It's pretty when the trees are not so full of leaves and stuff because you can see it all hanging there looking so forlorn moving in the breezes. Then when summer is here how the gray plays peek-a-boo in amongst the greenery. It's absolutely wonderful for me to look at. Gives me great pleasure.
I believe the picture was taken from the west side of the down town Osceola County Florida courthouse.Today has been a quiet, easy day. Sunday's typically are rather nice. Not sure if we're going to get much bad weather or not tonight. It's been all north of us and I hope it stays there. Well, guess I'd best get busy with my other blogs. I'll write more later.