Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Night Time Palm Trees

I thought you might like this picture. It was taken at the St. Cloud Lakefront Park. The palm trees are beautiful when lit up at night. It's by the boat docks.

Today was a good day at work even though I am having trouble opening a file I desperately need. Hopefully tomorrow I can get it fixed.

We had supper with my son and his wife and their son. It was a good, relaxing, fun evening. He served a new dish he created. A vegan chili that was wonderful. Corn bread with cheese and jalapeno's mixed in was also served. It was a nice change from cooking at home. We seldom get to have evenings with them. My little grandson was very good tonight. He's such a sweet boy.

I sitting here in my relaxed mood enjoying posting at the site. I hope your day and evening was good and you enjoyed it. Till next time.