Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

'Tis a grand day for the Irish', the saying goes. Just wanted to wish a Happy St. Patrick's Day. Had a great time with Dustin yesterday baking cupcakes and cookies. He's such a treat to be with. He helped make his own mini cupcakes and cut out the cookies also. He was so proud to take some of them home to share with his mommy and daddy.
It's a gray, cold, windy day here in "sunny Florida" but it should clear out tonight I think, so I guess I can handle it. Just would have been nicer to get some pretty pictures on St. Patrick's Day. However, we're going to have fish and chips tonight, some other delights that we used from our first tea and some treats. So it will be a nice evening.
My Lonnie Jr. got out of the hospital yesterday and everything seems fine. I want him to continue by getting a Dr and have them read all the tests and give him some recommendations. He needs to take better care of himself.
So this will have to be my entry for today. Unless I get ambitious or have time later tonight.