Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Nice, Peaceful Evening

Have you ever just sat, listened to, and watched a water fountain? I love this picture and have many more of the different ones at St. Cloud Waterfront. It's fascinating to watch the water floating on the air making small rainbows. The sound of it falling to the water almost lulls you to sleep.
The evening was nice as my daughter, sister and I watched the Olympics. I'm sitting here now posting this and feeling peaceful. It's been an easy day even though it was gray, rainy and cold out. I've been working in my office trying to clean and straighten it out. I've gotten through a lot of books that I no longer want to keep. I rearranged my book shelf in the closet where I keep my writing/publishing/research books. It looks great now. Next is the paper project! That's going to be time consuming but I'll get through it. Hubby coming home tomorrow so it will be a good day also.