Sunday, February 28, 2010

At Day's End

It's peaceful and calm here. I'm trying to relax and get to sleep. Hubby came home this morning and then left late tonight. Guess that's all I'll see him this week as he's heading the Pennsylvania. It was a beautiful, sunny, warm, windy day.
I thought this picture is pretty. It's the palm tree in my yard. Whenever I look at palm trees I get relaxed. I think they are so beautiful. I love how the wind blows them back and forth and the sunlight reflects on each palm frond making it glisten. They are perfect trees in many ways. They are a part of my paradise picture. Well tomorrow is a busy one for me. Besides taking care of business I get to meet another Boomer Sister and I'm excited about it. I'm also happy the my group Alpha Fiction Writers is getting active again. I, along with Rene, have to spur this group along. We'll be posting character charts of people in one of our manuscripts. Should prove interesting. Well, guess I better get to bed -- it's late (or early depending on how you look at it). Bye