Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter 2010

We celebrated Easter this year privately. Each prayed or did their own way of observing the religious aspect of the holiday. Otherwise, my family came together to visit and spend time together over the holiday meal. My hubby, Lonnie, couldn't be here as he was sent on a load to Pennsylvania. My son, DIL and grandson came over to share the day with my daughter, sister and me. It was a good day. Dustin was a charmer and all around good boy today. We taught him a new game, Candyland, and he did quite well - he even won on of them. We shared our meal, laughed, chatted and spent several hours together. It was so nice and enjoyable. Then after they left, my sister, daughter and I went for a short ride then came home for the rest of the day. It's been a quiet evening and I'm almost ready to call it a day. Think I'll try to finish my book. It's the second book in the Jan Karan series about a fictional town named, Mitford, featuring Father Tim and the townspeople.
I'll stop by again.