Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Grandson!

This little guy is one of my major happy spots! He's so adorable. He called me yesterday and asked to come to my house. He said, "You miss me and worry about me, Giga." So, of course, we went and picked him up. He was with us for about 3 or 4 hours. Had a great time with him. He played with is Thomas trains and swords with his Auntie (my daughter). We read to him, gave him candy, played a new game (HiHo Cherry O) and he really enjoyed himself. His mommy came and we played another round of the game - he won!
We'll have him Thursday to make cookies, cupcakes, and covered pretzels for Easter. It's always fun with him. I'll stop by later but I wanted to post this here. Last night was fun with our precious grandson.