Sunday, March 7, 2010

All Is Quiet

Needing the quiet of the house to get ready to rest for the night. Been a busy day so it's time to possibly read a few minutes then get to sleep. Lots on the agenda for tomorrow and I want to get it all done. I'm so glad I have this site to post to where it lets me calm down, collect my thoughts and be peaceful for a time.
I'm starting a new blog tomorrow. I think it will be about my journey to get fit enough to run the IronGirl Marathan for 2011 since I'm not ready for this years in April. It's something I want to do as I'm trying to make positive changes in my life. I'm tired of just sitting about not doing anything happy and fun, so I thought I'd like to try for the marathan next year. Never thought it would interest me but I think I'd be happy with myself if I can do it. I think my daughter is going for it also. It might be fun.
I'm also going to work hard to get at least two of my books finished and published this year. I've got a couple new authors I'm working with also to be published through my company.
Well, guess I'd best sign off and get some sleep before the day begins. OH by the way, next Sunday starts DayLight Savings Time!! Yay! My favorite time of the year.