Monday, March 8, 2010

Ready To Relax

This is a drawing of my children when they were about 12 and 6 years of age on a vacation to Florida. Thought I'd post it here because they are my happy spots also at the close of the day.
I've worked about today trying to find a couple of bank statements but to no avail. So I guess I'll keep trying tomorrow.
I read quite a bit on the manuscript from a new author. Not sure yet if I'll publish it. It's a different type of story. I like it but am not sure how the market will receive it. We'll see how it goes, I'm a little over half way through.
During all my searching I was happy when I found an envelope full of pictures of my twin sister and I throughout the years. Don't remember where I got them from but they are so cute. I'm going to make copies of them for her and put them on disc so I can put them online.
Maybe I over did the searching because I had to move lots of boxes and now my back is beginning to get somewhat stiff. Guess I'll take some medication and rest with it. Should be fine tomorrow. It's good to do some cleaning and sorting out when you go searching through boxes and such.
I'm also trying to find some missing CD's of mine but have had no success so far. It's so cool that my daughter, sister, and I can share our music/movies that's on our computers and we've been working on that all evening also. So, ready to relax and go to bed shortly. Had a good day.