Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Book Cover

I wanted to post this here because it's another 'happy spot' for me. I enjoyed writing the book, overall, with my sisters. By doing this I can say we were all published authors at the same time.
Writing the stories of our childhood is proving to be fun and a lot of work. It is fun to be able to share our times with others who might share some of the same memories throughout their lives.
I think it's interesting that we found all ages like the stories and they help them remember their own stories after reading them. That is part of what we wanted to accomplish with the book and I see we've done that.
We are beginning work on the second book and hope to have it ready by late this year or early next.
Today has been good but a bit topsy turvy to say the least. We got a late start and then the time slipped by and we missed lunch and it became a problem, so finally at 3:oo p.m. we began getting lunch. It's now 4:47 p.m. and we've just finished. So I'm not sure what supper is going to be about. Interesting or problematic - I don't know yet which it will be.
My show, "The Amazing Race" will be on tonight so I want to have things done so I can watch it. I like it a lot. One of the reason's I stopped by this early. I may not get the chance later.