Monday, February 15, 2010

A Nice Valentine's Day

Today feels like a long one. I have been busy. I actually did laundry for most of the day - taking my time- and then sorted papers and files. I moved things that had taken residence on the dining room table. As of right now, I still need to move the files into my office, however, I have no place for them just yet - still cleaning there also. Had a great Valentines Day yesterday, got to see my little grandson and had fun with him. I took a couple of pictures of him and a short video. My daughter and sister are each in their rooms and I'm in the office so the house is pretty quiet. I'm hoping it will stay that way for the rest of the evening. Needing my happy place and I enjoy stopping by here and posting my thoughts. Finally got the phone bill lowered in price. That's a good thing. Now I just have to work on the cable bill. I'm in the process of bringing another author to Tide Dancer Publications. So I'm needing to upload a program so I can typeset her book. I hope it will go well.
Enjoy the picture I think it's beautiful, but I didn't take it. Got it from a great site. Bye for now.