Sunday, March 21, 2010

The First Day of Spring!

Today is the first official day of spring. My favorite day of the year! Daylight Savings Time has returned and it's spring - I'm happy!!
Today was a good day even though it rained a lot and was mostly gray. I worked online for a time, then went with Heather to Joanns to walk about, stopped at the grocery store and came home. Had a good supper and watched The amazing Race on TV.
I so enjoy stopping by here when I can because it's my happy place and I write whatever I want to here. I love posting pictures of special things here. I love posting pictures I've taken of the beach, palm trees and special people and such. I'm about ready to call it a day but wanted to post here first. The palm tree is the one in our yard. I like the sky color and clouds behind it. This was taken before it got rainy outside. Enjoyed it.