Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Enjoying The Quiet of the Evening

It's been a long, busy day but one that was pleasant. The evening was somewhat stressful and now that everyone else is in their rooms, the peace is nice.
I worked online trying to find pictures for my cousins of the ancestors in our family. I was able to find, edit and post about nine of them. Then to my amazement I found a box full of old black & white photos. I'm taking them tomorrow to the Walgreens and putting them onto a disc. I've got a lot of them I want to do this with.
I'm wondering why I haven't heard from Lynn today. She went home Sunday and I've not heard from her. I'll try to call her tomorrow and see that she made it home and is okay. Trips usually take their toll on her. So I am concerned.
The picture above is of one of the many Seagulls that frequent our lakes in the subdivision where I live. I think they are lovely birds. I enjoy taking pictures of them. They are very different from Sandpipers. Sandpipers are so small and quick while the Seagulls are bigger and slower. But I love them both.
Hoping to get more accomplished tomorrow than today. I need to start putting the boxes back into some form before hubby gets home. I'm almost finished with an afghan I've been working on for some time. It's pretty. I'll take a picture of it before I send it to my cousin, Paula. I hope she likes it.
Guess I'll write again tomorrow night.