Saturday, February 20, 2010

Quiet Time Before Bed

Wanted to jot down a few thoughts of the day before I turn in for the night. The day started out somewhat rough but turned into a good day. Went to my son's for my grandson's 4th birthday party. It was fun and he's so precious. Came home, had supper and spent the evening watching the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, Canada. Then I worked online for a couple of hours and now I'm ready to call it a day. Everyone is in their rooms and the house is quiet. I've got my cup of hot tea beside me and I'm finally relaxing from the days events so I can sleep tonight. I'll stop by tomorrow night. I enjoy my happy place and writing about each day. I like the picture - it's of Indialantic Beach in Melbourne, Florida. The Atlantic is so beautiful in all of it's colors and moods. It calms me.