Monday, March 22, 2010

Enjoyable Late Chat!

This is one of my happy places - my son!

I'm glad I came back online tonight before heading to bed. Normally my son is in bed asleep by now. However he was up when I looked on Facebook. He came online and we had a good chat. Was very nice. You know when people chat late at night it usually is from the heart. I never knew he felt so strongly about my dad. He totally loved him. It breaks my heart that he misses him so much. I wish he was that close with his own dad. They're close but I'm not sure how much they confide in each other or chat about life and such. It's difficult because Lon has been a trucker most of son's life.
Anyhow, he was having a good evening with his family and that makes my heart happy.
It was a good day today. I totally didn't get any work done but will try again tomorrow. Needing to download another part of the CS3 program to make my Adobe files open. Hoping it works because I need to work in those files.
It was pretty out today. Cloudy and windy for most of the day but the sun came through intermittenly and that was good. In the late afternoon it pretty much cleared off and I was happy about that. Not sure if it's clear outside now but that's okay since it's almost 2 a.m. Well need to post at another blog before I turn in. I'll stop by again.