Thursday, June 10, 2010

Another Beautiful Day!

It's absolutely pretty outside - if you're sitting inside looking out the window! The temps are in the low 90's but the humidity puts it at about 94 or so. The wind is blowing but it's still hot. Now, I know I shouldn't complain because we live in sunny, hot Florida. Yet, the temps and humidity do get to you if you live here long enough.
I thought this picture of the palm tree was nice. I took it the other day because I thought the new seeds coming to sprout would make a nice contrast against the green of the fronds. I think it turned out very nice.
Been a busy time for me. I've got one author waiting for me to typeset her book to get it published. I'm reading another authors book from her revisions, and received another submission this week. So I'm quite busy right now. I'm enjoying it however I'm trying to get a video card for my computer so I can put the software I need onto the computer and get her book typeset. Not much time for play yet it seems like I can't get anything done. Hopefully I'll get it done so these authors can get their books into the open market. Wish me luck.