Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Quiet Time!

This is a picture my nephew painted years ago. I received it from him and have cherished it since. It is so peaceful and tranquil that when I've had an exceptionally hard day I look it over and sometimes feel much better.

The house is quiet and I have it all to myself right now. It's early morning and no one is going to bother me. This is the best time of night. I had a tough day today and need some down time from everyone. I'm finding my happy, quiet, relaxing place here at The Oasis. I come here a look over the pictures and can feel myself relaxing and regenerating in my soul.

There is a Jimmy Buffett song that says in part, "Breathe in, breathe out, move on." That's how I feel sometime. I'm glad I started this blog for myself. It's a place I can come and write whatever I want to and no one will be the wiser for it.

I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day. Dustin is coming over to spend some time with Heather and me to do some Valentines Day cooking. He had fun doing some Christmas cookies and cupcakes with us so we thought we'd do the same thing for Valentine's Day. He's adorable. Lots to do tomorrow so I'd best close. I'll post again later tonight. Thanks for listening.