Friday, March 12, 2010

My Lynn!

This lovely lady is another of my happy spots. She's my best friend. I love her dearly and share things with her I don't with anyone else. She and hubby moved to Kentucky for job reasons and I really miss seeing her all the time. Phone helps greatly. I finally talked with her yesterday. She's home and fine. Recouperating from the flight here for Cills funeral and visiting her mom.
I finally got the program my company is using for typesetting manuscripts uploaded onto my computer last night. It was almost complete when we lost power for a second, twice. My heart about sank. It took my some time to get the computer up and running again. The silly thing did a checksysdisk and I thought it was gone. But finally it came up and I proceeded to finish the program upload and all is good. Now I've got to call Lynn today and have here email me the template that was created for us. Then I can finally upload a new manuscript from our newest author and get to work on it.
So far today I'm relaxed and busy. We're going to clean carpets this weekend so I've got lots to do to get my stuff out of the living room/dining room so we can do that.
Glad I stopped by, I miss coming here and chilling out at my happy spot. It's my place for me!!