Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Big Smile with Thomas the Train!

It's been a couple of busy days for me. The last part of the previous week was spent with my hubby since he was home for 4 days. I was happy for that time. Then over the weekend Jen and I took the afghan she crocheted for my grandson to my son's home. They invited us to stay for supper and visit so we did. I think we left about 9:oo p.m. We had a great time but I was tired. Then Monday came and I was busy doing running and things in the home. Today my little guy called and wanted to come over again so my day was spent being with him for the afternoon. Tonight was consumed with the evening meal, chatting, watching TV and now I'm on the computer.
I'm trying desperately to do work for my company but haven't had much time for that. Must do tomorrow! The day was pretty, sunny and bright. The humidity was a bit lower as were the temperatures so it was better over all regarding the heat. I'll stop by again.