Friday, April 2, 2010

Quiet Day Today.

This is a picture of the trunk of the palm tree in my front yard. I thought it was interesting. It has lots of color variations and shapes. I hope you enjoy it.
Today has been fairly quiet for me. I've been home most of the day alone. Was able to get some things done but mostly enjoyed the quiet.
Hoping to feel better after going to the doctor yesterday. Have some meds to take. I guess it could be sinus/allergies/cold or something. They are just not sure.
I've been watching and listening to some tutorials for my new Adobe CS4 software package I got yesterday. Now I hope I know how to operate it. Such a big program. Guess I'll be getting some books for it to help me out.
Pretty day outside, the sun is shining, temps are probably in the high 70's or low 80's. I've got to run out to get supper stuff but I'll stop by again if I can today.