Monday, April 5, 2010

My Pretty Palm Tree

My palm tree blowing in the wind this winter. It's in front of some cloud passing by. I love this one.
had a great Easter yesterday. It was fun with the kids being here. Dustin was, of course, the star of the day. We had such fun playing Pirate with him fighting with the foam swords and hook. He has such a great imagination.
Today has been pretty good. Took my time working on the computer, went to the grocery store with Heather, took Jen for a ride, chatted with Lonnie on the phone (he's on his way home) and now back at the computer for awhile. I also chatted with Lynn about things today. She's finally (I hope) done with editing Blonde Chills. I hope it's clean as a whistle so she'll not have to go back again. Had some fun working with Jen on genealogy for our families. Trying to get through my sites for the night then sit and try to finish the book I'm reading.