Monday, May 24, 2010

Pretty Flower and Day

I found this flower at the St. Cloud Lakefront Park today. My sister and I had gone to Staples and decided to drive by the lakefront on the way home. I saw this pretty flower, stopped and took a picture of it. I think it's pretty. To my delight I found it was a Bird of Paradise sitting there being so beautiful.
Today has been a nice, quiet, peaceful day and I think I had found my happy spot, which I haven't seen or felt in a long time.
I decided to stop by and post this picture. I did some work online like posting at one of my other blogs. You're just for me - my personal, happy place to put my thoughts from the day. See you another time. Probably tomorrow. Going to go turn on the TV and see what's on. Everyone is in their respective rooms so it's quiet in the house now.