Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Another Busy Day!

I'm posting early because I'm going to try and do some crafts tonight instead of sitting on the computer. I took this picture a couple of days ago and thought it was pretty. I like catching the raindrops on the leaves but his one had new leaves starting and I liked it.
I tried to upload my software program and found I didn't have a video card so now have to find one and install that before the program. Ugh! But it didn't spoil my day at all. I'm enjoying working on my company - makes me happy to know that people trust me to publish their manuscripts. Not making any money but it's a good feeling to help others reach their dreams. Maybe someday I'll earn some money. I've got to help my BFF get her stuff uploaded to FB, she's not understanding how to do it all. Hopefully I'll be able to do what she wants. She's like a sister to me.
Well guess I should get busy so I can help with supper. I'll stop by again.