Friday, April 23, 2010

Glad Yesterday's Over

The day can start out pretty good and then suddenly turn bad. Tha'ts how yesterday turned out for my sister. Suffice it to say it might be time for her to find another way to use her teaching degree.
I took this picture yesterday and thought it was beautiful. I like the play of light and shadow on the greenery. Then to top it off the new leaves were this beautiful redish brown color and the shot came out quite nice. I have other shots also of this bush that I'll probably post here also.
Anyhow, I'm hoping today is a great day and one without tension. We all need it. As we journey through life we can and do live through tense times but it's always better to be able to curb the tension with calm, quiet and easiness. I'm hoping today will be one of those calm days.
I'll stop by again. Need to get to work.