Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Guy!

I took this picture the other day before my hubby left for work. It had been a long time since I had a picture of him in a western hat. I think he looks nice in it. Of course I think he's terribly handsome.
It's been an interesting day so far. Needed to get insurance on the car so Jen stayed home and Son took her to get it activated. Daughter and I went to the store and just got home and now it's time to fix supper. I've got to take the Adobe program I just put on a few weeks ago off the computer because it's not working properly. So I'll be busy tonight working and hoping I get all the files that need to come off taken care of. Hopefully it will turn out okay. I've got the new program ordered and on it's way. Then all I have to do is get the "Dummy" book for the program so I'll know how to work it so I can get the new authors manuscripts typeset. Enjoy and I'll stop by again. Oh yes, he's also my very best happy spot!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Grandson!

This little guy is one of my major happy spots! He's so adorable. He called me yesterday and asked to come to my house. He said, "You miss me and worry about me, Giga." So, of course, we went and picked him up. He was with us for about 3 or 4 hours. Had a great time with him. He played with is Thomas trains and swords with his Auntie (my daughter). We read to him, gave him candy, played a new game (HiHo Cherry O) and he really enjoyed himself. His mommy came and we played another round of the game - he won!
We'll have him Thursday to make cookies, cupcakes, and covered pretzels for Easter. It's always fun with him. I'll stop by later but I wanted to post this here. Last night was fun with our precious grandson.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Finally Time To Stop By!

I finally have some time to myself and can sit here finding my happy place. I took this picture of the palm trees at our subdivision playground. I like how they look against the sky with the light clouds behind them. Palm trees and a sunny day makes me happy!
It was a busy weekend with Lonnie getting home on Thursday then leaving early Friday morning to deliver the load. Then he came home about 5 pm that night. Again he had to leave on Saturday evening to pick up the next load at 10 pm so he just stayed there overnight and left for the week. After three weeks gone - that's all the time we had together. That did not make me happy at all. Then there were other family problems that cam up and were a pain. But I'm trying to relax here and let it all go. This is the place I come to when I need to be happy, that's why the pictures are as they are here -- they make me happy.
I'll stop by again tomorrow night, but for now I'll say good night.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Beautiful Greenery!

I took this picture of part of our shrubbery in the yard. It came out very nice. I love the color variation on the leaves. Great play of light since it was in the early morning.
Didn't get to stop by last night. Hubby came home so the evening was busy. My goodness, it rained quite hard for some time last night. I didn't even know it was supposed to rain.
Going to try and get the Adobe program working, then try working on my books - you know - writing - me!
See, I've got a lot of things to accomplish and need to get busy doing them. Also need to empty the table for my office so I can lend it to Melissa for her garage sale. Guess I'd better sign off and do my thing. See you later.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Starting Out The Day!

I didn't get to post last night so here I am this morning. The picture was taken last night at St. Cloud Lakefront Park. I think it's quite interesting and pretty. I thought it came out pretty good.
Took several of the waterfalls there also. They're not as good - still learning the camera for night shots I guess.
Yesterday was good, not any real problems. I worked online for a time and then went out with my daughter.
It's always great to stop by here and relax by writing anything I want to. Great to be without criticism sometimes. I do need to be busy cleaning the house today so I guess I'd best not hang about online too long.. Bye for now.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Enjoyable Late Chat!

This is one of my happy places - my son!

I'm glad I came back online tonight before heading to bed. Normally my son is in bed asleep by now. However he was up when I looked on Facebook. He came online and we had a good chat. Was very nice. You know when people chat late at night it usually is from the heart. I never knew he felt so strongly about my dad. He totally loved him. It breaks my heart that he misses him so much. I wish he was that close with his own dad. They're close but I'm not sure how much they confide in each other or chat about life and such. It's difficult because Lon has been a trucker most of son's life.
Anyhow, he was having a good evening with his family and that makes my heart happy.
It was a good day today. I totally didn't get any work done but will try again tomorrow. Needing to download another part of the CS3 program to make my Adobe files open. Hoping it works because I need to work in those files.
It was pretty out today. Cloudy and windy for most of the day but the sun came through intermittenly and that was good. In the late afternoon it pretty much cleared off and I was happy about that. Not sure if it's clear outside now but that's okay since it's almost 2 a.m. Well need to post at another blog before I turn in. I'll stop by again.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The First Day of Spring!

Today is the first official day of spring. My favorite day of the year! Daylight Savings Time has returned and it's spring - I'm happy!!
Today was a good day even though it rained a lot and was mostly gray. I worked online for a time, then went with Heather to Joanns to walk about, stopped at the grocery store and came home. Had a good supper and watched The amazing Race on TV.
I so enjoy stopping by here when I can because it's my happy place and I write whatever I want to here. I love posting pictures of special things here. I love posting pictures I've taken of the beach, palm trees and special people and such. I'm about ready to call it a day but wanted to post here first. The palm tree is the one in our yard. I like the sky color and clouds behind it. This was taken before it got rainy outside. Enjoyed it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

'Tis a grand day for the Irish', the saying goes. Just wanted to wish a Happy St. Patrick's Day. Had a great time with Dustin yesterday baking cupcakes and cookies. He's such a treat to be with. He helped make his own mini cupcakes and cut out the cookies also. He was so proud to take some of them home to share with his mommy and daddy.
It's a gray, cold, windy day here in "sunny Florida" but it should clear out tonight I think, so I guess I can handle it. Just would have been nicer to get some pretty pictures on St. Patrick's Day. However, we're going to have fish and chips tonight, some other delights that we used from our first tea and some treats. So it will be a nice evening.
My Lonnie Jr. got out of the hospital yesterday and everything seems fine. I want him to continue by getting a Dr and have them read all the tests and give him some recommendations. He needs to take better care of himself.
So this will have to be my entry for today. Unless I get ambitious or have time later tonight.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Beautiful, Windy, Sunny Day

The skies are blue and the sun is out and shining this morning. It's a beautiful day. I've not been here for a couple of days. Life has been busy for me. My company will be acquiring another author for publication. I'm happy that I can help others realize their dreams. Not making any money yet from it all but hope to eventually.
It was stressful yesterday, my Lonnie Jr went to the hospital with chest pains. Scared me! He's still there as they are going to run tests today. I'm praying he'll be fine. He's in a super stressful job and that can bring on health problems. With that said, today I'll have Dustin today and he'll help my daughter and I make cupcakes and cookies for St. Patricks Day tomorrow. He's such a charmer and it's so cute to watch him help.
Jen had a hard day yesterday from her principal again. God I hope she finds work elsewhere before this woman ruins her career. She also has a cold or something that is in the house. I feel a bit nauseaus this morning so I'm not a happy camper thinking I'm getting what she has. I can't take nausea.
Trying to get the program I need to typeset my books for my authors working. Does not seem to respond to me. Going to have to get some help for it. Lynn's son made a template but it only allows me to set up books like her format. Not what I need. Furthermore I can't open any PDF's since uploading the program. So problems on that front.
So you see, I really need this happy spot in my life. It's calming to be able to come here and write whatever I want and upload pretty pictures and relax. So glad I put you here. I'll be back later.

Friday, March 12, 2010

My Lynn!

This lovely lady is another of my happy spots. She's my best friend. I love her dearly and share things with her I don't with anyone else. She and hubby moved to Kentucky for job reasons and I really miss seeing her all the time. Phone helps greatly. I finally talked with her yesterday. She's home and fine. Recouperating from the flight here for Cills funeral and visiting her mom.
I finally got the program my company is using for typesetting manuscripts uploaded onto my computer last night. It was almost complete when we lost power for a second, twice. My heart about sank. It took my some time to get the computer up and running again. The silly thing did a checksysdisk and I thought it was gone. But finally it came up and I proceeded to finish the program upload and all is good. Now I've got to call Lynn today and have here email me the template that was created for us. Then I can finally upload a new manuscript from our newest author and get to work on it.
So far today I'm relaxed and busy. We're going to clean carpets this weekend so I've got lots to do to get my stuff out of the living room/dining room so we can do that.
Glad I stopped by, I miss coming here and chilling out at my happy spot. It's my place for me!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Enjoying The Quiet of the Evening

It's been a long, busy day but one that was pleasant. The evening was somewhat stressful and now that everyone else is in their rooms, the peace is nice.
I worked online trying to find pictures for my cousins of the ancestors in our family. I was able to find, edit and post about nine of them. Then to my amazement I found a box full of old black & white photos. I'm taking them tomorrow to the Walgreens and putting them onto a disc. I've got a lot of them I want to do this with.
I'm wondering why I haven't heard from Lynn today. She went home Sunday and I've not heard from her. I'll try to call her tomorrow and see that she made it home and is okay. Trips usually take their toll on her. So I am concerned.
The picture above is of one of the many Seagulls that frequent our lakes in the subdivision where I live. I think they are lovely birds. I enjoy taking pictures of them. They are very different from Sandpipers. Sandpipers are so small and quick while the Seagulls are bigger and slower. But I love them both.
Hoping to get more accomplished tomorrow than today. I need to start putting the boxes back into some form before hubby gets home. I'm almost finished with an afghan I've been working on for some time. It's pretty. I'll take a picture of it before I send it to my cousin, Paula. I hope she likes it.
Guess I'll write again tomorrow night.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ready To Relax

This is a drawing of my children when they were about 12 and 6 years of age on a vacation to Florida. Thought I'd post it here because they are my happy spots also at the close of the day.
I've worked about today trying to find a couple of bank statements but to no avail. So I guess I'll keep trying tomorrow.
I read quite a bit on the manuscript from a new author. Not sure yet if I'll publish it. It's a different type of story. I like it but am not sure how the market will receive it. We'll see how it goes, I'm a little over half way through.
During all my searching I was happy when I found an envelope full of pictures of my twin sister and I throughout the years. Don't remember where I got them from but they are so cute. I'm going to make copies of them for her and put them on disc so I can put them online.
Maybe I over did the searching because I had to move lots of boxes and now my back is beginning to get somewhat stiff. Guess I'll take some medication and rest with it. Should be fine tomorrow. It's good to do some cleaning and sorting out when you go searching through boxes and such.
I'm also trying to find some missing CD's of mine but have had no success so far. It's so cool that my daughter, sister, and I can share our music/movies that's on our computers and we've been working on that all evening also. So, ready to relax and go to bed shortly. Had a good day.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

All Is Quiet

Needing the quiet of the house to get ready to rest for the night. Been a busy day so it's time to possibly read a few minutes then get to sleep. Lots on the agenda for tomorrow and I want to get it all done. I'm so glad I have this site to post to where it lets me calm down, collect my thoughts and be peaceful for a time.
I'm starting a new blog tomorrow. I think it will be about my journey to get fit enough to run the IronGirl Marathan for 2011 since I'm not ready for this years in April. It's something I want to do as I'm trying to make positive changes in my life. I'm tired of just sitting about not doing anything happy and fun, so I thought I'd like to try for the marathan next year. Never thought it would interest me but I think I'd be happy with myself if I can do it. I think my daughter is going for it also. It might be fun.
I'm also going to work hard to get at least two of my books finished and published this year. I've got a couple new authors I'm working with also to be published through my company.
Well, guess I'd best sign off and get some sleep before the day begins. OH by the way, next Sunday starts DayLight Savings Time!! Yay! My favorite time of the year.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

He's My Happy Place!

Now this little one can make me find my happy place easily because he's it. My beautiful, little grandson! I could sure use a big hug from him tonight. Maybe I'll get to see him tomorrow sometime. I'm sure he wants to show his PopPop his new Trampoline. He has such fun on it. I don't think I've seen him all week. I don't even think I've talked to him on the phone. Hmm.. I'll have to take care of that tomorrow sometime.
Well, it's been a long day. I think I'll kick back, have some pizza for supper, either turn on the TV or read some more on a manuscript I have to decide if I want to publish it or not. But first Jen wants to go for a ride and on the way home we can stop for the pizza. Still busy - darn. Oh well, that's how this day is. I'll stop by again.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Cill Passed Today!

One of my very best friends in the world passed away today. Priscilla Pope Burns - Cill had been fighting lung cancer but underwent surgery for her sciatic nerve. Things went wrong and she didn't make it. I love her deeply and will miss her tremendously. A classy, smart, caring, loving lady. A writer, mother, daughter, friend. Rest easy now Cill. I love you and always will.
My heart is heavy and that's all I can say just now.