Thursday, February 4, 2010

Today Was Beautiful!

The day has been full of blue skies with wispy clouds, the wind blowing nicely and the sun shining everywhere. These are the days I love. It's now almost sunset and it's still pretty.
It's been a different day for me though. A girlfriend called and told me another close girlfriend of ours was not doing so well in her lung cancer battle. Not sure where that's going to end up but I'm very upset. She's a dear, dear lady. I'll continue to hold her in my prayers. We've been friends for over fifteen years.
Then I received a message on Facebook from a young woman who is like my niece. We've not seen or heard from her in about 5 years. So it was nice to find out how she's doing and where she is at. It's been an interesting day. My daughter and I enjoyed each others company and took a drive to Oviedo to go to a store there. Had a good time. I'm hoping tonight will be peaceful and restfull.