Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Enjoying My Quiet Early Morning Style

I thought I'd post a picture here of my Mother's Day early morning trip to the beach at Melbourne, FL. It's only about 45 minutes from home. It was beautiful and the sun was perfect on the water. I hope you enjoy the shot.
I enjoyed last evening with my daughter and sister. A good, relaxing night. I didn't get some laundry done so am doing it now. I don't mind because the house is quiet, everyone is asleep so I can enjoy the time in peace. Today was a beautiful day outside. Cool, wind blowing gently and the sun was fantastic. Those are the days I love. During the summer it gets so hot you try to avoid being outside during the hottest part. So, for me, winter is the best time for here. I'm hoping to get some writing done tomorrow, and I need to upload some software to the computer as well as trying to set up marketing for books.
I'm trying to set up a blog about my thoughts and the happenings that interest me. Trying to come up with a name for it also. Well, enjoy your day today.