Sunday, February 28, 2010

At Day's End

It's peaceful and calm here. I'm trying to relax and get to sleep. Hubby came home this morning and then left late tonight. Guess that's all I'll see him this week as he's heading the Pennsylvania. It was a beautiful, sunny, warm, windy day.
I thought this picture is pretty. It's the palm tree in my yard. Whenever I look at palm trees I get relaxed. I think they are so beautiful. I love how the wind blows them back and forth and the sunlight reflects on each palm frond making it glisten. They are perfect trees in many ways. They are a part of my paradise picture. Well tomorrow is a busy one for me. Besides taking care of business I get to meet another Boomer Sister and I'm excited about it. I'm also happy the my group Alpha Fiction Writers is getting active again. I, along with Rene, have to spur this group along. We'll be posting character charts of people in one of our manuscripts. Should prove interesting. Well, guess I better get to bed -- it's late (or early depending on how you look at it). Bye

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Nice, Peaceful Evening

Have you ever just sat, listened to, and watched a water fountain? I love this picture and have many more of the different ones at St. Cloud Waterfront. It's fascinating to watch the water floating on the air making small rainbows. The sound of it falling to the water almost lulls you to sleep.
The evening was nice as my daughter, sister and I watched the Olympics. I'm sitting here now posting this and feeling peaceful. It's been an easy day even though it was gray, rainy and cold out. I've been working in my office trying to clean and straighten it out. I've gotten through a lot of books that I no longer want to keep. I rearranged my book shelf in the closet where I keep my writing/publishing/research books. It looks great now. Next is the paper project! That's going to be time consuming but I'll get through it. Hubby coming home tomorrow so it will be a good day also.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ending My Day

I took this shot early one morning after taking my sister to work. I thought it was lovely. The colors are beautiful and peaceful as is the stillness of the water. It is by the lake in our subdivision. The light fog on the water gives it an added dimension. It makes me relax.

It has been a busy day for me. I did a lot of work in the kitchen and then worked online doing stuff for my company, Tide Dancer Publications. The tried to finish re-arranging my office. Didn't get done but had a pleasant evening with my sister and daughter. We watched the Olympics and chatted together. They've gone to bed so I took a few moments to come here an post about my day. My hubby is in Pennsylvania where it's snowing horizontal and there's another big snowstorm coming at him. I'm glad he's parked at a truckstop that has facilities. It always bothers me when the weather is bad wherever he is.
Well we get to see my little Dustin tomorrow. He's got a big Trampoline for his 4th birthday and wants to show it to us. That will be great. I'll take some pictures of him on it. Well, its after one o' clock in the A.M. and I'm needing to get some sleep. I'll stop by again. Good night.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Quiet Time Before Bed

Wanted to jot down a few thoughts of the day before I turn in for the night. The day started out somewhat rough but turned into a good day. Went to my son's for my grandson's 4th birthday party. It was fun and he's so precious. Came home, had supper and spent the evening watching the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, Canada. Then I worked online for a couple of hours and now I'm ready to call it a day. Everyone is in their rooms and the house is quiet. I've got my cup of hot tea beside me and I'm finally relaxing from the days events so I can sleep tonight. I'll stop by tomorrow night. I enjoy my happy place and writing about each day. I like the picture - it's of Indialantic Beach in Melbourne, Florida. The Atlantic is so beautiful in all of it's colors and moods. It calms me.

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Nice Valentine's Day

Today feels like a long one. I have been busy. I actually did laundry for most of the day - taking my time- and then sorted papers and files. I moved things that had taken residence on the dining room table. As of right now, I still need to move the files into my office, however, I have no place for them just yet - still cleaning there also. Had a great Valentines Day yesterday, got to see my little grandson and had fun with him. I took a couple of pictures of him and a short video. My daughter and sister are each in their rooms and I'm in the office so the house is pretty quiet. I'm hoping it will stay that way for the rest of the evening. Needing my happy place and I enjoy stopping by here and posting my thoughts. Finally got the phone bill lowered in price. That's a good thing. Now I just have to work on the cable bill. I'm in the process of bringing another author to Tide Dancer Publications. So I'm needing to upload a program so I can typeset her book. I hope it will go well.
Enjoy the picture I think it's beautiful, but I didn't take it. Got it from a great site. Bye for now.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Quiet Time!

This is a picture my nephew painted years ago. I received it from him and have cherished it since. It is so peaceful and tranquil that when I've had an exceptionally hard day I look it over and sometimes feel much better.

The house is quiet and I have it all to myself right now. It's early morning and no one is going to bother me. This is the best time of night. I had a tough day today and need some down time from everyone. I'm finding my happy, quiet, relaxing place here at The Oasis. I come here a look over the pictures and can feel myself relaxing and regenerating in my soul.

There is a Jimmy Buffett song that says in part, "Breathe in, breathe out, move on." That's how I feel sometime. I'm glad I started this blog for myself. It's a place I can come and write whatever I want to and no one will be the wiser for it.

I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day. Dustin is coming over to spend some time with Heather and me to do some Valentines Day cooking. He had fun doing some Christmas cookies and cupcakes with us so we thought we'd do the same thing for Valentine's Day. He's adorable. Lots to do tomorrow so I'd best close. I'll post again later tonight. Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Night Time Palm Trees

I thought you might like this picture. It was taken at the St. Cloud Lakefront Park. The palm trees are beautiful when lit up at night. It's by the boat docks.

Today was a good day at work even though I am having trouble opening a file I desperately need. Hopefully tomorrow I can get it fixed.

We had supper with my son and his wife and their son. It was a good, relaxing, fun evening. He served a new dish he created. A vegan chili that was wonderful. Corn bread with cheese and jalapeno's mixed in was also served. It was a nice change from cooking at home. We seldom get to have evenings with them. My little grandson was very good tonight. He's such a sweet boy.

I sitting here in my relaxed mood enjoying posting at the site. I hope your day and evening was good and you enjoyed it. Till next time.

Enjoying My Quiet Early Morning Style

I thought I'd post a picture here of my Mother's Day early morning trip to the beach at Melbourne, FL. It's only about 45 minutes from home. It was beautiful and the sun was perfect on the water. I hope you enjoy the shot.
I enjoyed last evening with my daughter and sister. A good, relaxing night. I didn't get some laundry done so am doing it now. I don't mind because the house is quiet, everyone is asleep so I can enjoy the time in peace. Today was a beautiful day outside. Cool, wind blowing gently and the sun was fantastic. Those are the days I love. During the summer it gets so hot you try to avoid being outside during the hottest part. So, for me, winter is the best time for here. I'm hoping to get some writing done tomorrow, and I need to upload some software to the computer as well as trying to set up marketing for books.
I'm trying to set up a blog about my thoughts and the happenings that interest me. Trying to come up with a name for it also. Well, enjoy your day today.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Today Was Beautiful!

The day has been full of blue skies with wispy clouds, the wind blowing nicely and the sun shining everywhere. These are the days I love. It's now almost sunset and it's still pretty.
It's been a different day for me though. A girlfriend called and told me another close girlfriend of ours was not doing so well in her lung cancer battle. Not sure where that's going to end up but I'm very upset. She's a dear, dear lady. I'll continue to hold her in my prayers. We've been friends for over fifteen years.
Then I received a message on Facebook from a young woman who is like my niece. We've not seen or heard from her in about 5 years. So it was nice to find out how she's doing and where she is at. It's been an interesting day. My daughter and I enjoyed each others company and took a drive to Oviedo to go to a store there. Had a good time. I'm hoping tonight will be peaceful and restfull.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hoping For Sunshine Today!

Sitting in my office looking out the window I finally see blue skies and the sunshine. It's been three days of gray, gloomy skies with rain. My soul needs to see the sunshine and brilliant blue skies. I'm hoping the clouds will move away and leave this day pretty and bright. It has been hard for me to keep in my happy spot without the sunshine.
I've got lots of work to do for Tide Dancer Publications and my writing. It appears my company might be shortly adding another author to it. The growth is slow but that's okay because it is a very small company. I hope you like the picture of the palm tree. It's the palm in my front yard. This picture was taken on a cloudy, sunny day. I think it's beautiful with all the colors in it.