Monday, May 24, 2010

Pretty Flower and Day

I found this flower at the St. Cloud Lakefront Park today. My sister and I had gone to Staples and decided to drive by the lakefront on the way home. I saw this pretty flower, stopped and took a picture of it. I think it's pretty. To my delight I found it was a Bird of Paradise sitting there being so beautiful.
Today has been a nice, quiet, peaceful day and I think I had found my happy spot, which I haven't seen or felt in a long time.
I decided to stop by and post this picture. I did some work online like posting at one of my other blogs. You're just for me - my personal, happy place to put my thoughts from the day. See you another time. Probably tomorrow. Going to go turn on the TV and see what's on. Everyone is in their respective rooms so it's quiet in the house now.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Day of Rest - Sunday

I thought I'd post this picture of me because I like it and it is seldom I get a picture of myself that I like. It was taken quite a few years ago but I think it's one of the few I like of myself.
I'm sitting here typing this thinking I could use a short nap. It's pretty quiet in the house just now so I would apprecite one, however, if I do that then I will have a tougher time tonight falling asleep. So it's onward and continuing to work at my computer or books that need attended to . Who knows.
I' guess I'll have to stop by later as I don't have much to say right now.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Twin!

This is a picture of my twin sister. I think she looks beautiful here. She's very photogenic, I'm not. She's the older twin by 12 minutes. She's my protector/hero! I thought it might look great here and it does.
I just scrolled back over the pictures I've posted here and am happy with all of them. It's fun to just come here to my happy spot and post my thoughts. No one will see them but I enjoy being here.
Today is another hot day in May. Oddly we've been getting very hot, almost like July weather. Not anxious about the summer temps if this is where we are now. I need all the sunshine here but could do with quite a bit lower temps. I just loved the winter this year with all the cold/cool days. Hated to see them go away. It was so nice and refreshing and felt so very nice. But I do live in Central Florida so I can expect hot temps.
Well I should close and get busy with working on some manuscripts for my authors. I also want to work on some of my books as it's been quite awhile since I did anything at all on them. The only other thing I need to do is work in the office straightening it out so I can get more space in here and set up files and storage places and such. Possibly bring out a bookshelf. Who knows, hopefully I'll get some of it done. Bye now.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day!

Well, Mother's Day was Sunday. I still miss my mommy. She was a beautiful person, inside and out. She's been gone for ten years and it seems like forever. I miss being able to pick up the phone and call her. Miss hearing her voice and when I was in Illinois being able to have her hug and kiss me while I did the same to her. I'm hoping that she'd be very proud of all of us left. A lot of feelings happen when I think of her. I'm so happy she knew and loved my family. The only little person she didn't meet was Dustin. She would have loved him tremendously.
My Mother's Day 2010 was nice. My daughter is always so sweet and good to me. Plans the day around me and what I'd like to do, eat and spend time together. She's a sweet person, just like my mother was. My son called and we chatted. He was busy with his family spending Mother's Day with his wife and son. So that was nice also to hear from him. Lonnie left in the morning on a run to North Carolina. The day turned out nice even though there was some mix ups in the morning. Glad it all turned out nice and happy that I had the special lady as my mother, Edith VanDusen Stees. I love you mom.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Love Of My Life - My Grandson

I think this is a beautiful, cute, fun picture of grandson. One day last week or so we went to the lake front in St. Cloud with his mommy. He played on the playground with some other little kids then both of them went to the lake and played for a time. Then after he got wet we decided to walk out to the pavillion point. My little grandson was under the pavillion when I took the picture. I have several others and they are just as cute of him. We all had a great time and I'm anxious to take him back to the lakefront to play again. I don't know if his mommy will go with us again. But we'll see how it all works out. If I don't take him to the lakefront, I can take him to the little playground in our subdivision if need be.
I've been quite busy lately so haven't posted here in a few days. I'm working on some stories for the second Kaleidoscope Memories book as well as working with a couple of authors my publishing company is taking on. But I stop by here daily to keep it in my history addy. I'll stop by later.