Monday, August 11, 2008

Sippin' Pink Lemonade Hoping To Feel Better!

I'm still looking for my happy spot! I thought if I stopped by I might feel better at The Oasis. Been a couple of tough days with irritations and feeling used. Trying to work through it. If I have enough time without anyone bugging me it might work. Need some quiet time and I've found none for awhile. I'll stop by again.
Gonna sit here and sip on my pink lemonade and hope I relax and feel better. Nothing tastes better on a relaxing day.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lost My Happy Spot Today

Well, it's been an awful day for me. Hubby made me mad on the way to a movie I wanted to see, so I didn't enjoy it at all. Came home to problems at home and had to run to the store twice about supper. It ended badly and the evening is just over.

I came here to hopefully feel better about things and relax at The Oasis. Now if everyone will just leave me alone!

I saw "Swing Vote" with Kevin Costner and it was good and thought provoking. It makes you realize once again that every vote counts! Having worked on the Recount of 2000 election I know how important they are. Anyhow it was great to see Kevin Costner again on the big screen even if he was scruffy all the time.

I'll stop by again.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Ahh! I'm In My Happy Spot Again

I love coming here and posting whatever I want. Whenever I see the picture I crawl into my thoughts and feel myself remembering all the times I spent at the beach. That is where my heart and emotions lay.

I put on my Mama Mia cd and had a great time right here at The Oasis. So cleansing and wholesome I feel terrific.

Don't know if I'll get back today but if not, enjoy your stay at The Oasis!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Great Time at the Movies!

If you haven't seen "Mama Mia!" yet, you need to do so. It's a fun, light-hearted film and leaves you laughing and longing for a simpler life and time. The actors are great and the ending is fairy-tale style.

I am now going to watch the end of The Next Network Design Star show for the season. It will be either Matt or Jennifer.

Don't know if I'll get time to stop by again today. I am in my happy place after seeing the movie for the 2nd time.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

End of the Day!

A lost day it seems. Did running about to a couple of stores, took my hubby to work, had a light lunch, take out supper and watched TV for awhile tonight and I feel exhausted.

There was some harsh words floating about today and that always makes for a long day. Makes for a hard day. However, peace reigns right now. Everyone is in bed except me. This is my quite, downloading time if I'm awake. It's peaceful, you know?

I think I might be able to go read some before falling asleep now. I hope to get more done tomorrow. I am determined to do so instead of running about all day and having arguments.

See you!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Busy As Usual

I've been trying to post here for the last couple of days. Even late at night I seem to not have enough time. So I thought I'd stop by this morning for a bit.

I'm hoping to get my office organized so I can start work on my three books that need to be done, edited, and revised shortly. Then they need to be typeset and a cover produced before going to print. A lot to be done by the end of the year or beginning of 2009.

Right now the house is quiet. My sister is napping and my daughter is in her room. I enjoy the quite times. Mornings are usually the time I have to myself and late at night when all are asleep. So I'm trying to get together a list for the day and rest of the week but thought I'd post here to let you know I'm still here but don't always get a chance to stop, rest, and post.

Till next time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another Busy Day

It seems like I'm forever stopping by late at night. My days have been full and I've not found time to just sit and relax for very long. It seems like I've been running for most of the last few days.

I like coming here to just sit and think of good thoughts, picture places where I feel the best and let the cares of the day carry me away to my Oasis.

I only live about an hour from the beach yet it's been forever since I've been there. Now that it's summer and hot, hot, and full of people, I think I'll try to hold off till cooler weather and then go walking along the beach. That is my happy place. I love how the sound of the water soothes my soul while the smells of the water runs deep in my veins making me feel whole and together again.

See, I'm feeling more relaxed right now. Bye

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ah, A Cool, Refreshing, Drink At The Oasis!

Finally I have time to be alone and relax at the oasis. My favorite hide away from everyone and the world. The house is quiet and hopefully everyone is asleep. The pets as down for the night I hope.

I'm sitting here basking in the quiet and enjoying my time when no one wants a part of me. Time to renew the senses and my soul. Collect my thoughts and get ready for tomorrow.

I'm so glad I started this blog, I hope anyone who stops by will just be able to rest and relax. I hope to shortly put some articles that will refresh and relax you. Also some links where you might listen to quiet, soothing music and links to products that might help you relax.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Finally Quiet Time!

Okay, it's 2:44 a.m. and I'm finally getting some time when everyone is either in their rooms or fast asleep. Not that it hasn't been an enjoyable evening because it has. We had supper, watched TV and then a couple of movies (which I never sit still long enough for that) and had a good time.

But now it's my quiet time. Just needed some time alone without anyone around wanting to talk or visit. Now I can collect my thoughts and fuel up for the next day. I think we all need an Oasis to come to and get refreshed and ready for the next day or part of the day.

I'm glad I stopped by for awhile. I hope you do also. Post when you want to and hopefully The Oasis at Sandpipers World will be a good spot for you.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Far, Far, Away!

There are days when you just want to be far away from everyone. The days when everyone is on each other's nerves and fighting is the rule of the day. That is why I've created this space - for those times when you just want to be alone, on the computer, browsing and hoping to find a sympathetic ear and an oasis in your day.

Tell me what your Oasis is - your place of rest and serenity. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I'm glad you stopped by to rest at The Oasis. Feel free to relax and browse around.