Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another Busy Day

It seems like I'm forever stopping by late at night. My days have been full and I've not found time to just sit and relax for very long. It seems like I've been running for most of the last few days.

I like coming here to just sit and think of good thoughts, picture places where I feel the best and let the cares of the day carry me away to my Oasis.

I only live about an hour from the beach yet it's been forever since I've been there. Now that it's summer and hot, hot, and full of people, I think I'll try to hold off till cooler weather and then go walking along the beach. That is my happy place. I love how the sound of the water soothes my soul while the smells of the water runs deep in my veins making me feel whole and together again.

See, I'm feeling more relaxed right now. Bye