Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Finally Quiet Time!

Okay, it's 2:44 a.m. and I'm finally getting some time when everyone is either in their rooms or fast asleep. Not that it hasn't been an enjoyable evening because it has. We had supper, watched TV and then a couple of movies (which I never sit still long enough for that) and had a good time.

But now it's my quiet time. Just needed some time alone without anyone around wanting to talk or visit. Now I can collect my thoughts and fuel up for the next day. I think we all need an Oasis to come to and get refreshed and ready for the next day or part of the day.

I'm glad I stopped by for awhile. I hope you do also. Post when you want to and hopefully The Oasis at Sandpipers World will be a good spot for you.