Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lost My Happy Spot Today

Well, it's been an awful day for me. Hubby made me mad on the way to a movie I wanted to see, so I didn't enjoy it at all. Came home to problems at home and had to run to the store twice about supper. It ended badly and the evening is just over.

I came here to hopefully feel better about things and relax at The Oasis. Now if everyone will just leave me alone!

I saw "Swing Vote" with Kevin Costner and it was good and thought provoking. It makes you realize once again that every vote counts! Having worked on the Recount of 2000 election I know how important they are. Anyhow it was great to see Kevin Costner again on the big screen even if he was scruffy all the time.

I'll stop by again.