Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cold, Windy, and Cloudy !

So, to gain my happy place I've downloaded another picture that makes me feel good. The palm tree in my front yard before we trimmed the fronds. I like how the brown fronds against the orange and green ones look. Lots of color variety. Then setting it against the brilliant blue sky with the sun behind it makes me feel better on this cold, windy, cloudy day. The temperature is only about 55 degrees or so. Had to turn on the heat last night and it's still on. Grumble.
That's when I come here, sit back, relax, look at all my pretty pictures and begin to feel better and once again my Oasis has helped put me into a much better mood. I like it when it's pretty and nice outside. I guess I'll sit here for awhile then get busy trying to do a little cleaning in this office. Yes! I can feel the relaxing effect of this place coming over me now. I'll post again another day as I'm leaning back in the chair, closing my eyes and enjoying.