Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Beautiful, Cool Day in Sunny Florida!

I'm sitting in my office at the computer and occasionally I glance out the window and see the beautiful blue sky. The wind is gently blowing causing the palm fronds to gleam in the sunlight as they wave back and forth. This is one of the things I love about where I live.
I am trying to get my office into some kind of order instead of putting up any further with all the clutter in here. When I have to pull some file or paper for my writing or business, I can't put a finger on it so I'm being firm in my resolve to clean it up. It helps that the day is wonderfully pretty. The business looks like it might beginning to grow. I've potentially got three writers interested in having Tide Dancer represent them as their publisher. All three books sound good based on the chats I had with them. So, I'm looking forward to possibly adding more authors to my company's roster. Peace and happiness are wished for you today.