Monday, January 30, 2012

The Winter Seagull

This picture of the beautiful Seagull was taken in my subdivision on the road by one of the lakes. I think it turned out pretty. I like how the shadow of the car turned it with blue hues. Seagulls are one of my favorite sea birds. I hope you enjoy it. This was taken in December of 2011.

It's been a couple of months since I've posted in this blog. It was a busy holiday season and some busy times after also.

Our weather is a mixed bag this winter season so far. A few days in the 70's and then some in the 80's. We're running about 10+ degrees above normal for us. So we can know that the summer will be another blistering one here. Would love some temps in the 60's for a few days. We'd welcome it for a nice change.

Take care and I'll stop by again.