Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Busy As Usual

I've been trying to post here for the last couple of days. Even late at night I seem to not have enough time. So I thought I'd stop by this morning for a bit.

I'm hoping to get my office organized so I can start work on my three books that need to be done, edited, and revised shortly. Then they need to be typeset and a cover produced before going to print. A lot to be done by the end of the year or beginning of 2009.

Right now the house is quiet. My sister is napping and my daughter is in her room. I enjoy the quite times. Mornings are usually the time I have to myself and late at night when all are asleep. So I'm trying to get together a list for the day and rest of the week but thought I'd post here to let you know I'm still here but don't always get a chance to stop, rest, and post.

Till next time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another Busy Day

It seems like I'm forever stopping by late at night. My days have been full and I've not found time to just sit and relax for very long. It seems like I've been running for most of the last few days.

I like coming here to just sit and think of good thoughts, picture places where I feel the best and let the cares of the day carry me away to my Oasis.

I only live about an hour from the beach yet it's been forever since I've been there. Now that it's summer and hot, hot, and full of people, I think I'll try to hold off till cooler weather and then go walking along the beach. That is my happy place. I love how the sound of the water soothes my soul while the smells of the water runs deep in my veins making me feel whole and together again.

See, I'm feeling more relaxed right now. Bye

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ah, A Cool, Refreshing, Drink At The Oasis!

Finally I have time to be alone and relax at the oasis. My favorite hide away from everyone and the world. The house is quiet and hopefully everyone is asleep. The pets as down for the night I hope.

I'm sitting here basking in the quiet and enjoying my time when no one wants a part of me. Time to renew the senses and my soul. Collect my thoughts and get ready for tomorrow.

I'm so glad I started this blog, I hope anyone who stops by will just be able to rest and relax. I hope to shortly put some articles that will refresh and relax you. Also some links where you might listen to quiet, soothing music and links to products that might help you relax.