Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Early Heat in Central Florida!!

Well, our heat wave is still going on here in sunny, hot, Florida. Temps have been hovering around the 90 degree mark for the last couple of days. Not supposed to be this hot at this time of year. We are not wanting summer yet. So, I thought a picture of a beautiful palm tree would be about right. I love how the sun is shining on the branches and the brilliant green color against the blue sky.

Have spent lots of time in the car the last two days. It's been hot because the car needs some work on it and when I use the a/c it drags on the engine too much. So we go about with the windows down. Ugh! Too hot for that if we need to be running for any extended time.

Easter is just around the corner and I'm still not sure what I'm going to do for the main meal. Not sure if Lonnie Jr and family will be over this year and hoping my hubby will be here also.

Took a short nap watching a TV show so I've got a little bit of energy right now. But going to try reading for a time then back to sleep so I can get up early tomorrow morning and do some photo shooting early. I hope I get some good pictures. Bye for now.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Interesting Climbing Foilage

I found this tree that had the big, green leaves of a climbing plant wrapped around it. The mixture of the various greens, yellows, gray of the different trees in the scene caught my eye and I thought it was beautiful. I hope you enjoy looking at it. The textures, style of branches, trees and leaves combine to make a very nice picture. Today was a good day. I was able to get some work done, took some time to myself and actually watched a movie in the middle of the day. I watched some TV tonight and now I'm free to sit and post on my various sites.

I learned that today is Charles Dickens 200th birthday - how amazing. Laura Ingalls Wilder's birthday was today also. Two very diverse writers but so important to literature.

Need to keep busy tonight so I'll stop by again.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Winter Seagull

This picture of the beautiful Seagull was taken in my subdivision on the road by one of the lakes. I think it turned out pretty. I like how the shadow of the car turned it with blue hues. Seagulls are one of my favorite sea birds. I hope you enjoy it. This was taken in December of 2011.

It's been a couple of months since I've posted in this blog. It was a busy holiday season and some busy times after also.

Our weather is a mixed bag this winter season so far. A few days in the 70's and then some in the 80's. We're running about 10+ degrees above normal for us. So we can know that the summer will be another blistering one here. Would love some temps in the 60's for a few days. We'd welcome it for a nice change.

Take care and I'll stop by again.