Monday, November 7, 2011

The Beauty of East Lake Toho

I seem to go back to Lakefront Park in St. Cloud daily for pictures. I see lots of birds and beauty there. It has a walking trail that is very busy daily. There is a splash pad for little children and a playground with slides, and other amusements. But what calls me is the lake itself. I can feel myself relax and enjoy the different species of birds and the colors of green and blue.

If you'll notice, in the middle of the picture is a white bird sitting behind some stalks of grass. We've had enough rain this year that their large solid land area was flooded. The tall grass area is minimal because we were so hot and dry prior to the rains. I'm concerned about the winter to come as to where they'll nest and such because we typically have seriously dry weather in the winter.

It has been crazy hectic the last month for us. Lots of family issues and such. Still a couple to work on but hoping the coming holidays will be lovely and sweet. It's late so I'll go and stop by again. I love my special happy place.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Morning Sky and Water at the Lakefront.

I was at the lakefront the other morning and thought this scene with all the pretty blue colors mixed with the green and browns made a nice picture. I like the different textures, patterns, and colors in the shot.
It's been a long time since I've posted here. Mostly because so much is always going on here that I've not much time to sit and just find my happy spot. This is one of those pictures that helps me do that.
Everyone is in bed, the house is quiet and I'm able to finally collect my thoughts from the day and plan for tomorrow. Then I've got to take the clothes from the dryer. I'm tired after sitting with my grandson tonight. He is a good little guy (he's 5) and went to sleep without much difficulty. Just a long day and I'm ready to sit, read awhile and then fall asleep. I'll stop by again very soon. Enjoy the picture. I do.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Yesterday Evening

I took this shot at East Lake Toho yesterday evening about 8:00. I thought it came out pretty good. I love how the clouds were playing about in the sky and the sun setting behind the trees. It was at the park I go to daily. I hope you enjoy it. This has been an April full of sunny days, warm temperatures, gentle breezes and people out enjoying their days and evenings.

It's always nice to take some time daily to just look at where you are and the great nature that is around us. You don't have to live in some exotic place to enjoy what has been put before you. I'm from northern Illinois originally and there is such beauty in the area. From the cultured rows of corn, beans, and wheat to the bluffs, country roads, small towns, beautiful rivers and parks as well as the people who inhabit the area. Take time to enjoy where you are and be at peace with it all.

Monday, March 21, 2011

March Has Arrived In All It's Splender!

Finally the green grass and trees have returned. It was a long winter for Florida. We had alot of cold, dry weather (and I loved it) that left many of our trees bereft of their leaves. However, the rains came along with nice warm temperatures and sunshine and the area is looking good.
The picture was taken at the lakefront park in St. Cloud. It was a nice, warm, windy day a little after noon. I thought you'd enjoy seeing how some people spent their weekday afternoon in Central Florida. Enjoy.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

February Around My Town!

This is a view of Lake Tohopekeliga (Toho) in my town. It is known for its Bass Tournament fishing among many things. It is large and beautiful. Watching the sun come up is a sight that catches your breath.
February of 2011 has been quite cold for us. It depends where you're looking that shows either green trees or dead, brown grass and trees without their leaves. This day was a beautiful morning with a little hazy sky but the picture came out lovely.
Many of the pictures on this blog are taken at another park in St. Cloud. The lake is East Lake Toho and it's very different in looks and how people use it. The picture above is in Kissimmee. I hope you'll enjoy the picture.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 2011 In My Town

I thought you might like this picture. I chose to focus close up so you could see the greenery against the palm tree. Then if you'll look at the background in the picture you can see the grass is dead and the trees are in their fall colors or missing their leaves entirely. This is quite unusual for Florida, especially this early. We usually don't get this way till sometime in February. I guess you can say it's from the cold weather we've been having and the fact that we are still in a drought situation. I do, however, hope you enjoy the picture.
It's been awhile since I stopped by but it's been a busy time for me. Hopefully things will be much better this year. Enjoy the picture and the new year.