Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Early Heat in Central Florida!!

Well, our heat wave is still going on here in sunny, hot, Florida. Temps have been hovering around the 90 degree mark for the last couple of days. Not supposed to be this hot at this time of year. We are not wanting summer yet. So, I thought a picture of a beautiful palm tree would be about right. I love how the sun is shining on the branches and the brilliant green color against the blue sky.

Have spent lots of time in the car the last two days. It's been hot because the car needs some work on it and when I use the a/c it drags on the engine too much. So we go about with the windows down. Ugh! Too hot for that if we need to be running for any extended time.

Easter is just around the corner and I'm still not sure what I'm going to do for the main meal. Not sure if Lonnie Jr and family will be over this year and hoping my hubby will be here also.

Took a short nap watching a TV show so I've got a little bit of energy right now. But going to try reading for a time then back to sleep so I can get up early tomorrow morning and do some photo shooting early. I hope I get some good pictures. Bye for now.