Thursday, August 25, 2011

Morning Sky and Water at the Lakefront.

I was at the lakefront the other morning and thought this scene with all the pretty blue colors mixed with the green and browns made a nice picture. I like the different textures, patterns, and colors in the shot.
It's been a long time since I've posted here. Mostly because so much is always going on here that I've not much time to sit and just find my happy spot. This is one of those pictures that helps me do that.
Everyone is in bed, the house is quiet and I'm able to finally collect my thoughts from the day and plan for tomorrow. Then I've got to take the clothes from the dryer. I'm tired after sitting with my grandson tonight. He is a good little guy (he's 5) and went to sleep without much difficulty. Just a long day and I'm ready to sit, read awhile and then fall asleep. I'll stop by again very soon. Enjoy the picture. I do.