Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Yesterday Evening

I took this shot at East Lake Toho yesterday evening about 8:00. I thought it came out pretty good. I love how the clouds were playing about in the sky and the sun setting behind the trees. It was at the park I go to daily. I hope you enjoy it. This has been an April full of sunny days, warm temperatures, gentle breezes and people out enjoying their days and evenings.

It's always nice to take some time daily to just look at where you are and the great nature that is around us. You don't have to live in some exotic place to enjoy what has been put before you. I'm from northern Illinois originally and there is such beauty in the area. From the cultured rows of corn, beans, and wheat to the bluffs, country roads, small towns, beautiful rivers and parks as well as the people who inhabit the area. Take time to enjoy where you are and be at peace with it all.