Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Beautiful Morning

I was sitting in my car waiting for my sister at the grocery store this morning and found this great shot of a palm tree. I think it came out nice so decided to share it here with you.
It has been a busy time for me, we're moving things in the house to get ready for holiday decorating. Ugh! Didn't realize just how much stuff needed to be put away, gotten rid of and changed about. You know, things that you've been putting off knowing it was going to get you when it came holiday time.
We are still in the high 80's here. Still need the a/c in the car and home. Humidity never takes much of a vacation here. We're supposed to have a cold front come through where the temps are "supposed" to be in the low 70's for a couple of days. We shall see because the weather people constantly change the forecast. But we're through the dog days of summer and for that I'm grateful.
Anyhow, enjoy the photo of the palm tree.